move you mouse left and right (no clicking required) to keep your balance, i heard the record is 82 meters, lets see if you can beat the 60 meters that i got.
monkeyinstripes's LJ stalker is fudzine!fudzine is stalking you because they think you are the one who made anonymous abusive LJ comments. They are also not very liked around here!
hopefully i will be watching breakfast at tiffanys at the key arts center, maybe some guinness at shallos prior or post show, depending on time restraints. hit me up if you wanna join me.
i can't believe they compared him to "a deadhead at a widespread show" while they watched him shake and shimmy those 17.5 lbs of dogs down his gullet. . .
Bourbon Congratulations! You're 118 proof, with specific scores in beer (80) , wine (66), and liquor (95). Screw all that namby-pamby chick stuff, you're going straight for the
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