The familiar, torturous insomnia is back for tonight. It's four in the morning. If this is the signal of a return into another extended episode of insomnia, I swear to god I'll kill myself
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Virginia is not really the south. We like to pretend it is, but honestly, Northern Virginia makes up most of the population of the state, and the northern influences above the mason-dixon have crept down into the rest of the state. And racism? Hardly. Go to South Carolina. Or Cincinnati. THAT's racism. The racism here is trifling in comparison.
Please note, I'm not condoning the wrongs that exist in this state. Things need to be changed, and even the slightest prejudice, when directed towards you, is unbearable. But if you want to get so upset, don't bother with Virginia. Go to the Middle East, or Southern Asia, or 75% of the African continent.
Comments 6
Please note, I'm not condoning the wrongs that exist in this state. Things need to be changed, and even the slightest prejudice, when directed towards you, is unbearable. But if you want to get so upset, don't bother with Virginia. Go to the Middle East, or Southern Asia, or 75% of the African continent.
and fill out your CGS Survey!
When do you need it by?
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