That's a nice thought but what your late daddy/grandad would want is for you to give each other a big cuddle and have a drink of fresh chilled water in his honour.
Funny you should menshun the water fing cause I am a fussy boy when it comes to water and I wefuse to dwink unless I seen my mum do it fwesh. If its not fwesh I have to stand by the water. stare at mum, stare back at the water, stare back at mum - she's a bit dim but gets the message. I even got gwanny twained now... Roobs been given me lots of licks and cuddles cause I lost my dad.
Comments 8
Grandma Bonnie XXXXX
Roobs been given me lots of licks and cuddles cause I lost my dad.
Mummy (ie Grandma Bonnie)
My happy-bunny flop pales compared to your all-out flop.
I hope you are up now and taking your Grandma's advice.
And have some Toast, too.
He'd also ask all the boys to put their paws around their girlies and give them a big cuddle.
Gretchen bun
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