England Wiki Translation - Part 1

Sep 23, 2011 23:44

Somebody coughharocough mentioned wanting to know what this massive wall of text said. Basically it's a wiki about England.

This is about half of it. Enjoy?

Also, I should warn you that Himaruya is kind of harsh on Americans, and I would like to remind you that these aren't my opinions. They're his. I'm just translating.

With that said, read on!


■From Himaruya's old journals.

○From the site
By the way, I spent a ridiculous amount of time on the character designs. (laugh)
I worried for about two days on Austria's design alone. (*´∀`*)
The other one I worried about a lot was England.
Originally, my image of England had been closer to what Austria became.
I still think that might have been the way to go. |・∀・)

○Old Journal
-October 2006
>What age do you draw your Hetalia characters at? (Disregarding their actual age)
England is 23 (although he looks younger).

-October 2006
England was the one to give America a white flag.
It was in that moment at the end of the American Revolution.
The image of England handing over a white flag is very rare.

In the war, France blocked England's ability to return home by sea.
And England had made America very angry, but I felt really bad for England.
He also kind of excluded a bunch of different nations and beat the crap out of them. (´Д⊂グスン
And even France, who was absurdly amused by the sight of a troubled England,
had a revolution and ended up pretty badly injured himself.

-November 2006
I think I'm going to keep England's eyebrows as they are. (´ー`*)

-January 2007
Come to think of it, England used to be France's underling, right?
So he learned a lot under France's instruction and kind of turned into a pervert...
Well, actually I think England is pretty perverted on his own. If you look at world news,
most of the ridiculous and scandalous sex stories come out of France and England.
At least, that's the impression I get.

-January 2007
I want to draw pictures from before WWI and WWII.
If I don't, then Hungry's pent-up resentment and grudge will never be explained.
Nor would England's tentative standing in the world.
Because WWII doesn't explain any of that. ヽ(´ー`)ノ

-January 2007
Now that I think of it, if you look at Japan's history of curry,
France was the first person to introduce curry to Japan.
(And at the time, Japan definitely questioned whether or not it was even edible.)
It was only after that, that England began to sell curry powder to Japan.
And Japan thought, hey this is pretty good, and started trying to make it on his own.
And today's curry is the result.

In other words, the thicker type of curry that Japan prefers is England's style of curry.
There's actually an old story where a wife who was angry at her husband threw curry powder
into the beef stew she'd made, and that's how the thick curry came to be. |・∀・)

-April 2007
Think about it. Ever since France was born, he's been continuously evolving his rather
lascivious qualities and hasn't really tried to stop.
What would've happened if England wasn't right above him? It's kind of scary.

-April 2007
Yesterday, I finally got my information on the American Revolution.
Now I can draw America VS England!
I'm very excited. But you know, America doesn't really understand
England's feelings at all. (laugh)

UK: Ah...forgive me but, this whole 7 years of war thing and protecting you
from France and all that- It's kind of put a huge dent in my wallet...
Would it be all right if I taxed you for the goods I send to you?

US: No! If you do that, I'm gonna stop buying stuff from you,
and I'm gonna start smuggling goods and drinking coffee, and I'm not
gonna let you into my house anymore.

UK: Ah, okay... Then we'll just keep the tax for the tea I send.
All the rest of the taxes will be cleared away...

US: No! I hate you so much! I'm declaring independence!

UK: Uh, wait- hold on a minute!!

US: Independence!!

And then the American Revolution broke out.

And the interesting thing is, even with the taxes, England's tea
was much cheaper than the black market tea that America produced.
England tried his hardest to make his tea cheap for America, but....

-May 2007
He raised America with love and affection, and the boy ran away.

When American television actually shows stuff about history (it's rare)
they usually center around America VS England (like the Revolutionary War)
and I can feel England's concern about the whole thing when I watch it.

But when you see England in those types of movies
England always comes off as oppressive and overly stubborn.
And he's always made to look like the bad guy in that situation.
And they always wear those really bright red uniforms, and they stand out
so it's easy for American hunters to get them. It's really sad.

Maybe I should get information about both England and America.

-May 2007
What American's think of English people:
-They try and look cool, but fail miserably.
-They're unfashionable. Their English is especially old.
-They will immediately put on a skirt and start playing bagpipes.
-They prefer women with big breasts.
-Everything has the Union Jack on it.
(cars, underwear, coffee cups, sheets, etc.)
-Since they only ever eat shitty food, they can eat food not meant
for humans and think that it's delicious.
-They like dirty jokes.

That's pretty bad... England should retaliate.
If he made a movie about America,
I think it would be very interesting.

-June 2007
■England is clumsy, a pervert, and pretty lonely.■
Lately, there's been a lot of information about England. He's been looking
for Nessie (Loch Ness monster) and making friends with cars.
Sometimes I wonder if he's just a huge airhead.

-June 2007
I've noticed more and more recently that when England
shows up in my comics, I show him a lot of compassion.
I think he was fated to be this character for me,
right from the very beginning.

-July 2007
France's main military service.

England spent most of the hundred years of war resenting France for making
him his underling, so he thoroughly beat the crap out of him and seized half
of his land to plunder.

Whereas France, before this happened, was more like,
“Well, let's just get on our horses and charge. I'm sure it
will all work out, non?”
So France's battle tactics were pretty lax in the planning department.

But that's not the end of France's Battle Face!
He just waits until after someone loses, and then makes his stand.

Like I said, during those 100 years England stole a bunch of land
all over the world, but because of the struggles of one particular woman,
all of his ships were withdrawn.

-September 2007
■Napoleon's death.■
Apparently, according to recent scientific research, another
theory of how Napoleon died has surfaced. It's being said that
it's very possible that he was assassinated by poison.

I remember seeing many television shows about how
they discovered a large amount of toxins present in his hair.

And right when this rumor was causing such a fuss among
scholars, France pretty much denied it by laughing in their faces.

The people of France couldn't possibly accept that one of their
greatest heros was killed by an assassin's poison.
Also, the scientific researchers that claimed he was killed by poison
were from England, so of course France didn't believe them at all.

Classic France!
He doesn't believe a word England says!

-January 2008
>Why was England dressed like that on Christmas?
It was sort of like his combat uniform for the occasion.

-March 2008
I'm rereading some of the material that was rejected,
I'd written stuff like Greece's mother being super fast,
and England turning little before he tried to take over the world.
No matter how I look at it now, I think it's kind of ridiculous.
Kind of like a joke.

-April 2008
I really want to draw Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland together.
By the way, they would all have the same thick eyebrows.

○Old Bamboo Thicket
-March 2008
[Red Uniforms]
It's the English soldier's trademark. It was always the bright red uniforms,
but they stood out way too much. It didn't matter where they were, under
a bridge or in a forest, America's soldiers could clearly shoot them.
Because of this, England changed his uniforms into something
really plain and dreary and unfortunately old man-ish.

-April 2008
England is the proud owner of an incredible fashion sense that is ridiculed by the entire world.
(In fact, his tourist rates are pathetically low.)
Basically, he's the kind of guy to let his hair grow out too long, try and cut it himself,
fail miserably and then rush to the barber to get it fixed.

-April 2008
>What's Iggy's favorite type of woman??
“Someone who will understand me, and who is kind of like an angel
or a fairy in the sense that they are innocent,” is what he said.

-April 2008
On the track below Count Down Toujitsu with Poland-kun, who is it!?
It's England and France. They're really drunk and completely out of it.

○Current Bamboo Thicket
-May 4th 2008
I'm digressing, but British English is really cool.
“I can't” is pronounced Ai Kanto.
Basically, I think British English is very bright.
French English is very soft and full-bodied.
And American English is just too much, I think.

-May 6th 2008
>What place does England's eyebrows represent?
Someplace that's really gentlemanly.
Come to think of it, I haven't seen many pictures of such places in England.
I'd kind of like to find a place like that.

-May 14th 2008
>Are there any plans for appearances of Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland?
Hmm. Well, I haven't yet tired of drawing England.
Once I've had my fill of drawing him, those three will probably come out.
But until then, it's England's turn.

-May 15th 2008
>Did England shrink? (※In reference to the Allies poster)
Yes, because I fail at perspective... I messed up where his bottom half was supposed to stand.
He's also more child-like than a lot of the other characters, so when I put them all together,
he looks younger and smaller.

-June 3rd 2008
A request: Revolutionary War uniforms for both America and England.
When they appear in the manga, their uniforms are a bit customized.
Even among the actual uniforms there seems to have been quite a bit of variation.

England's uniform is completely and totally red.
It's kind of like England kept on his princely clothes, put together
an army of similar blokes and then marched off to war.
Whereas America's uniforms were made with a sort of reckless abandon
in a time of war; it's hard to explain.

-June 4th 2008
>Do you have plans to make an Ireland character?
I kind of want to release that information with England's, eventually.

-June 6th 2008
>England shrunk, and it's weird.
I'v definitely noticed that, after the second story, he sort of just shrunk
even though I didn't intend him to (he's even shorter than France).

-June 6th 2008
>Is the United Kingdom actually England?
The United Kingdom is the United Kingdom.
He remains the United Kingdom unless his brothers, Scotland, Wales,
and Northern Ireland, are present. Then he is England.

-June 7th 2008
>I've heard that Northern Ireland has the same eyebrows as England,
but what about Ireland? Are they the same or different?
Ireland has pretty thick eyebrows, but they have a different feel than the UK brothers.

-June 9th 2008
>France uses Pierre and Austria uses a hawk to send letters. What do other countries use?
England and Norway just use fairies who have spare time on their hands.

-June 16th 2008
>When America and England sneeze, they go “Pippu-shon!” Do other characters sneeze the same way or are they different?
When America and England sneeze, they normally say, “Achoo!”

-June 18th 2008
>When you wrote about clothing earlier, you mentioned that France and Italy were very fashionable, and that America had kind of a rough image, but what about other countries?
I get this feeling that, for some mysterious reason, England's fashion
includes both plain old plaid shirts and incredibly expensive shirts.


That's it for now. The rest will be out eventually.

In regards to the "What Americans think of English people" section, I'd like to know who he's he been talking to. OTL

Also, where the hell did they get pippu-shon from??
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