Bowling for Columbine is on right now, and it's pissing me off. In a number of ways. What the crap kind of fantasy la-la land is Moore living in? How can he bounce from being opposed to the big, evil American government in one film to his terrifyingly passive, "Please control every aspect of my life" underbelly-exposing, head-in-the-sand stance
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Comments 16
The only thing I don't like are his voice and mannerisms. He's no no joy to watch.
That is EXACTLY the way I feel about him and his movies, too. The people who are critical thinkers by nature will take what he says with a grain of salt and use it as motivation to look into the issues themselves. But how many people out there are critical thinkers compared with those who will just believe anything somebody with an important-looking movie says with no further thought about it?
Moore's agenda, I think, it to bring attention to Michael Moore rather than really to make any sense. I've only seen Bowling for Columbine (it wasn't my idea either) and found the KMart stunt ludicrous. Actually, I watched it as a double feature with "28 Days Later" which made my "Where in hell are the GUNS? Why is no one shooting these things?" rant 45 minutes into that film (Answer: "It is set and shot in England, dear") even more amusing.
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Just not how he went about presenting it - which I think (and your response to the film perfectly demonstrates this) shrouds the point in stunts and obnoxiousness.
But his STUPID EFFING HAM-HANDED TREATMENT OF THE TOPIC and his own personal agenda about gun control COMPLETELY fucked over my ability to interpret that as I was watching it. I mean, all he basically said was GUNS GUNS GUNS OH NO GUNS EVERYWHERE LET'S GO TO K-MART AND HARRASS A PR LADY WHO HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH COLUMBINE LOL THAT WAS KEWL. It was hard to glean the true intent of the film at first blush. That's fine for stuff like Eyes Wide Shut, but if you're trying to change the world, maybe sticking to the outline a little better would be helpful. Or, you know, writing a clearer outline in the first place, before you begin filming.
I hate how he (a) staged that final confrontation with Heston ("Mr. Heston, please! Turn around and look at this picture!"), and (b) expected everyone to buy it. Look at the way the cameraman keeps jumping from behind to in front of him throughout that scene; unless his camera crew can teleport or turn invisible, he could only have shot the closeup of himself after the fact, long after Heston had already gone. And that's just one of the movie's many, many falsehoods and deceptions.
Bowling was a terrible movie. It had no real focus. It had no real point. He might have had a kernel of a good idea when he started, but he ended up just making a movie about himself. (Case in point: The last shot of the movie is of Michael Moore bowling a strike.)
If it's any consolation, Sicko is apparently tanking, at least compared to Fahrenheit.
What an asshole.
I am of the opinion that the more widespread are citizens with guns, the more likely violent crime will be to decrease. It might be a slight decrease, but a slight decrease is better than the status quo.
For obvious reasons, I also think most "gun-free zones" are retarded. About as useful and smart as the War on Drugs. Blargh.
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