The usual Warning. I have a bit of a writer in me.. an it comes out at the worst times. So the link below may well
contain a heck of a lot of stuff to read! If ya don't want to see it, then ya may wanna go do something else.. like play
nice with the foxes or somethin, k?
Hello again. I don't know who I'm talking to. Right now, I really don't care. It's like late.. an I'm a friggin
-tired- dragon, okay? Anyway, on to those things I write about:
This is the way things are going. Work has me very tired each day, but all for my -own- fault. I'll get to that
in a second. I've been given a new reason to keep working with my new car, an keep it going, even -if- it's an
ancient beast. I ran into someone that knew a previous owner.. someone who has now passed away. As in they
did not die a long time ago, but only somewhat recently. So, I need to keep the car as best I can, in memory of them,
if nothing else. Of course, the car is a part of me now. I wouldn't want to give it up either. I'm gonna drive that li'l
demon until fate forces me otherwise, K?
Now, about work. See, things around my house have been kinda.. hectic, lately. Thermoriax, or Darin to most
people, has been getting more and more sick all the time. Tho not all through his own fault. He is in an intensive care
ward up in Indianapolis. We don't know what's gonna happen to him. They say they found a dark spot on his heart,
an they're gonna have to go into his rib-cage to get a sample if I remember right. The point is, if they do this, it's
surgical stuff.. an he's on major levels of blood-thinners. Things could get ugly. So, I decided to try an get my old
Acer C110 tablet laptop running again, so I could give it to him.
As some of you may know, I've started to bud an artist from myself. Not the best yet, but the urge is there.
With my old laptop, it wasn't hard to satisfy, given that I could write directly on the screen. Now however, that
laptop is gonna become Thermo's property, to help him out while he's stuck in hospitals and nursing homes all the
time. So, I need a replacement. Well, turns out I needed to upgrade the processor in my desktop (what I'm writing
this on now), to run a game I'd picked up recently (Black and White 2). I already bought the game, and opened
the package/installed the game, so I can't take it back now. Well, it seems AMD, in their infinite wisdom, has decided
to discontinue the old Athlon XP line, in favor of the new 64 bit chips. I -was- going to just buy a newer XP cpu,
and drop that into my current rig. Can't do that without buying someone else's old one now. As it is now, I'd have to
purchase around 700+ dollars of equipment changing out my computer for a better motherboard and such. Then
afford the cpu on top of that, an set it all back up. Since I'm already looking at around that much at least, and
between Darin and my laptop I can't have a tablet anymore, I've decided to 'upgrade' by buying a tablet pc which
is also new enough to have the cpu and video card levels needed to play the game.
That is where work is coming in. See, to do this, I have to get a -lot- of money together. Which is okay,
because I also have an apartment to think about somewhere down the road here. So, I've been slaving my butt
every day I can at the store to squeeze every dollar out of every day I can. The more I make, the better the laptop
will be when I get it. For those wondering by now, a Toshiba Tecra M4 is what I'm looking for. I wanted to get a
Toshiba laptop the -last- time I bought a tablet anyway, but did not have the extra money back then. Toshiba is
notorious for being extra expensive. However, that aside, I don't care. Their tablet is worth the price. Once I get
it, it should be powerful enough to handle games an software -I- would throw at it for years to come, so I won't have
to do this again anytime soon. Plus, it fixes nearly -every- gripe I had about the old tablet all in one box. Lack of a
built-in cd/dvd drive of any kind.. only one speaker so you can't get stereo sound right out of the laptop.. nowhere
on the laptop itself to house the larger, better for extended-use pen, so that always got lost an eventually dog-
destroyed.. only a 10 inch screen, which for some drawing tasks is way too small... video hardware and cpu hardware
so terrible it's outpaced by all the other laptops and desktops already on the market, let alone the stuff about to come out..
not having gotten a good -long- lasting warranty to help me repair the laptop into the second and third years of ownership,
when most problems are more likely to happen... an ability to purchase external battery chargers right from the manufacturer..
and having a dock that would make using the tablet in slate mode more like drawing on a canvas. Buh!
So yeah, sorry about the huge list. If you look it over though, and then look at the Tecra and all available accessories,
you'll see like I did that the laptop does indeed address all these issues, plus one more. The tablet being a bit too much
-tablet- to be worth using. Like many, I'd get the tablet to have the tablet features as an -extra- thing, something
I can use when I wish, but don't have to worry about if I don't want it. Well, the Tecra is built with -exactly- that in mind.
It's a much more powerful, 'normal' style notebook that just -happens- to have a screen you can use an RF wacom pen on.
More of what I really wanted the first time around, but did not get. Now, having learned from my past mistakes, I'm going
to do this right this time. Get a 3 year warranty -right- up front, one which also covers accidental damage like plugging
in a USB device that eats enough power to fry motherboard resistors. Yes.. that's what killed the old Acer laptop,
an apparently, what killed it a -second- time -while- the repair shop owner was trying to fix it. :P We'll see. I have
everything worked out right now. I should have the new laptop by the end of February, through the first week of March.
Just depends on when I can order it, since there's a multi-businessday build-time for custom orders. An since having a
Geforce 6600 instead of a 6200, with 128 megs of video mem and 64 megs, respectively, is considered a custom option,
I'm kinda screwed there.
I have to admit, I love this. The laptop has given me new reason to really try to save, an work for a real goal. One
of the first times in my life I've really felt pushed like this. An I love it. This laptop is only the first.. there will be other
projects and goals just like this that I will be working towards during the next few years. It's about time I get off my tail
and improve my life, dangit! An this is the first step. With this, I shall be able to chat with you all, and do my computer-
based tasks.. but no longer -have- to sit at one desk in one place to do it, since my laptop will be powerful enough to
be my main computer too. It's really how I've wanted to use a computer for a long time.. but I've never had a laptop
good enough to do that with. Now I will. The possibilities are huge. An that is the most driving reason behind doing this.
Opening my horizons a bit.
There are other things out there. Life around Delphi and Mako is as crazy as ever. They're both local furs to me, if
any of you haven't guessed by now. So as such, I see/hear both of them often. Apparently there's an apartment
in the works that I may move into. Would be a nice change.. living in a household of just furs, where everything that
happens is directly related to what we do, no one else. Gonna enjoy that. Also, be on the lookout any furs who read this!
Within the next year or so, obviously after this laptop business is over, I plan to pick random furs to save up an go out to
visit! Who it'll be, I don't know yet. But I know it'll be someone. I can't just live here in Brazil/Terre Haute all my life. So
I have to get out there.. get a feel for other places, an see where I might want to end up. This'll be a step in that direction.
I'll be sure to be giving plenty of warning and prep-time to those that become the chosen visitees, like anyone knows.. if
anything most times I tend to -over- plan things. I can't stand doing things without working out all the details, knowing
things from several angles. I guess I've been screwed in the past a few too many times. Now, the more I can break
something down, look for possible trouble spots ahead of time, the more happy I am with the result. But that's me.
So, I'll see what happens, an perhaps, so will you!
Take care out there, in whatever land you're in. Like things go in
Jack!, sometimes life doesn't give you everything you want. Then, you have to
fight for it. But don't ever let yourself forget there are others out there who care about you, and perhaps the
right side of an afterlife waiting to take you to yet another journey, farther into the reaches of time. Personally,
I'd love to see my own heaven in one of several ways. I'm not really sure which it will end up being. I just know it'll
be great. An.. I get a feeling this isn't the only life I'm going to live, or even have lived. Too much left to do still,
I can't get it all done in one lifetime! So um.. yeah. Probably way past the rambling stage right now. Probably also
way past the bedtime stage! I'll see you all on the flipside.. or at least the next day, whichever is greater! Bai!