July 21, Thursday: Went to my grammas and worked for a while.
July 22, Friday: MEGANS 15TH BDAY! We went to a concert at the Teen Center where a bunch of local bands played. I bought a CD from one of the bands and when the last band came on they threw these pool noodles into the crod and the next thing you know im getting attacked by little kids with pool noodles. It hurt, too. I had fun though. The next morning, I couldn't hear out of my right ear, my right eye was puffed up, and my right side of my nose was running horribly. I felt like shit. But the concert was worth it.
July 23, Saturday: This day was the day i had Megan's Surprise Party. I didn't mention anything about it before because Megan is on live journal and that would be just stupid of me mentioning her surprise party on here. I was planning it for about 2 weeks. Megan got really pissed off because when i was telling her friends about the party, she would think that we'd be talking shit about her. Boy did she feel stupid. There was about 10 kids in my basement where i led her down there and surprised her. She was actually surprised. YAY. We had shit to eat like pizza, and when we brought the SWEET-ASS cake Tracy and I made, i took a piece and shoved it in her face, and then she grabbed apart of the cake and threw it in my face, and then next thing i knew my whole basement floor was covered in cake. DAMMIT. I had to clean it and then take a shower, but in the end, the party was sweet.
July 24th, Sunday: Slept and cleaned from the party.
July 25th, Monday: Nick, my younger bro, broke the glass in our back door. I also went bowling with Ashley. Zach, Tracy, and Kim. They are hiring for snack bar people so I took an application because I was still looking for a job for after school and shit. After bowling Ashley came and stayed the night at my house and we watched a shit load of movies. We went to 7-11 and bought a slurpee and some snacks and we saw Matt and two younger kids his mom was watching on the way home. They were hiding behind a tree..........ummmm....yea. This little kid that was with him was SOO ADORABLE. WE were walking back and all of the sudden this little kid just started bustin a fucken rap! lol.
July 25th, Tuesday: Slept
July 26th, Wenesday: I was supposed to work, but it was raining so it got mopved to Thursday. I went to my grammas and worked for a while. I also got a call from this drug store called SAV-ON Drug Store, which i applied to 3 weeks earlier, and i got a fuckin interview!! YAY I was fuckin bouncin off the walls. I can't fuckin wait. Wish me luck.
July 27th, Today, Thursday: I'm on my lunch break, so im updating.
Tomorow I'm going to my grammas to work some more and then i'm going bowling with my cousins.
SAtuday I got my interview at 10am, and then I have to help out at a car wash for the Teen Center. We are raising $$ for our Cedar Point Trip. Then I'm staying the night at Tracy's and Sunday is WARP TOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
peace out, love you all
wish me luck on my interview!