[There's about a minute of cooing noises before the recording ends. A few seconds later, another recording starts up:]
That was a dove, but I'm sure you were able to identify it. I've gotten an up-close-and-personal experience with the way the bird of peace works, and I have a much better understanding of it than I ever thought I would. As for what it was saying? It could only be heartfelt confessions of love, my sweet.
...Now would be a good time to note that this message is, of course, for Mother Base's own beautiful bird watcher. Sorry, Snake. If you're listening to this, I've sent a very special photo just for you along with the tapes. But, uh... Let's keep that one just between us.
Did you know that photo was taken with a wireless telephone of all things? It was so small, yet could store so much information! Photos, video, even electronic text. The wonders of the future never cease to amaze. I'm sure Huey or the good Dr. Strangelove could make a bundle if they invent such a thing first. [Laughter]
...But there's a darker side to the advancement of new technology. We have mere children building their own war machines. Can't say I really like that at all. I'll make sure to keep an eye out for anyone who might exploit their skills and naivety.
Say peace!
In my very short time here I've suffered hallucinations, turned into a bird, and woken up in woman's clothing with a hangover. I can only blame myself for the last one, but those other two? Does something crazy here happen every week? Looks like I've got my work cut out for me. I can only wonder what will happen next, and how soon that will be...
I sure am going to miss flying. The smacking into windows part, not so much.