clean sweep = getting the same score on all of your exams. Highly useful for applying to college, though it usually happens by accident (so don't you DARE study overly hard to try to achieve it, because it won't happen... you have to be very lucky or have fantastic last-minute stress-free cramming abilities.) I had one until I got my english/economics scores this year, but as I'm in college already, and I wouldnt' get credit for those tests even if I got a 5, I don't care.
You know, even though I think I'm pretty talented at Spanish, I haven't gotten ANY credit for it at Penn. I would not be happy if I have to take ~four semesters of Spanish all over again...
Haha, I don't have to take a foreign language. And even if I did, I wouldn't have to rely on AP scores, just on placement tests, which is great, since I didn't bother taking the AP Spanish exam. (Psst... this is why Columbia is cool... or one reason, anyway)
But I get credit for calculus!!!!! Would you go for calculus 2 or 3, oh manly integral fellow?
Ok, if you don't take them, you have to start with spanish 101, right? But if you do take them, there's always the chance that you'll place out of something. A friend of mine didn't take the AP, because he didn't feel that he had a good enough background to endure the 3 hours (same reason I didn't take it- though the day after I declined, I found out that I'd placed in the national spanish exam thingy... by accident of course... oops), but he managed to place out of 2 or 3 semesters at Columbia. It can't hurt.
Or you could always start a new language. Hindi? Chinese? Russian? Tibetian?
Comments 34
though I don't have a clean sweep anymore. But who cares; I didn't fail calculus!!!!!
Thanks, Mira. :)
Uhh, anyway, yes, it's on crack!
But I get credit for calculus!!!!! Would you go for calculus 2 or 3, oh manly integral fellow?
Yes, credit for calculus!
I go for calculus 3, of course... or even diffy Qs. =D
Or you could always start a new language. Hindi? Chinese? Russian? Tibetian?
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