So my 365 has not been going that well with me just not finding time to post for the last week - whihc franky is a crap excuse beacuse I even have the app on my i phone. Lets just say I've been lame!
Day 27 - 14th July
So we went to see the other wedding venue and oh my god it was amazing and grand, and you wuld definatley feel like a princess but we're just not sure if its us. Was very exciting to see though and made me smile muchly but the day kinda edned in turmoil about which one to pick
Day 28 - 15th July
Went for dinner with Alex (who is very prgenant) which was great, I haven't seen her for ages just the 2 of us so it was lovely to catch up. We used to go out a lot togteher when she worke di London but we seem to never find the time now. Fodd was ok, they brought out frozen prawne though on her spud - how bad is that! Even though I ended up driving back late I was full of beans - its funny how a night with an old friend does that don't you think?
Day 29 - 16th July
Another awesome day, well night, spent with Niki and Lol pib crawling the city for a Moulin rouge venue for my birthday. Lets just say in true Essex style I tried to pole dance round a lit up road bollard, slurred drunkingly and excessively at a bar man, slid of my chair repeatedly at home as Dave tried to fee dme toast and passed out in a very unsexy way. All in all awesome - plus we got to see agreat Burlesque show here Day 30 - 17th July
Today was time for me and Dave so we went for afternoon tea at the OXO Tower which was ok but a little bit sickley, probably not helped by my hangover! We then headed to Crazy Bear's memebers club in Covent Garden and had 2 for 1 cocktails which were yummy as always. I then surprised Dave with dinner at Bertorelli's in Soho, we used to really like it there because they did wheat free pasta but disappointingly they had stopped doing it. Dinner was ok but I was pretty full after starter and Dave wasn't feeling so good so we headed home early. It was lovely to spend some time otghter not doing wedding stuff or DIY.
Day 31- 18th July
Cake and craft day today and although I was frustrated at unpicking my corset several times I was so excited when I finally sewed the front and back! Thanks to everones help I am slowly learning to make a corset plus I got some poi tips to practice befor enext time. I didn't intend to stay long but was having so much fun I ended up much later than expected.
Day 32 - 19th July
It is hard to think of a happy moment on Monday - lack of sleep Sunday night meant I felt rubbish and ha dthe day off work, spent rolling around the sofa feeling grumpy. Although Dave was off sick too so we did get to add some more stuff to the wedding folder and discuss ideas so that was fun.
Day 33 - 20th July
Headed out for dinner again with Danielle this time, its been great this month to catch up with people I haven't seen for ages. We went to the Mango room which I highly reccommend, the food was great and I ended up stuffed by the end of it. I think Akon or someone was in there too but not sure, they were taking pictures and stuff but I was kinda oblivious. Again it was lovely to get to chat with an old friend - sometimes I wish everyone could just live in the same place, I guess I was lucky when I was at school that all my friends lived pretty close by - I miss that sometimes