Title: Hellspawn Author/Artist: megkips Character(s) or Pairing(s): Gilbert, Dumas (HRE) Rating: PG-13 Warnings: Swearing Summary: In which Gilbert thinks adopting a Hellspawn is a good idea.
Family fluff, especially fluff involving the German bros (whether the younger brother be HRE or Germany doesn't matter to me), makes me "b'awww" like no tomorrow and overall I just love seeing Gilbert be a big brother. Can I just give Gilbert and Dumas a big hug?
Comments 5
They would have had such a beautiful friendship, Dumas and Felicia.
Poor baby has terrible luck.
Family fluff, especially fluff involving the German bros (whether the younger brother be HRE or Germany doesn't matter to me), makes me "b'awww" like no tomorrow and overall I just love seeing Gilbert be a big brother. Can I just give Gilbert and Dumas a big hug?
I was a little scared for Dumas
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