So, we went to Sarasota last weekend.
Timb and Z!O!! played a show at a bar called the
Cock and Bull. They have a crazy beer selection. A shit ton of bottles:
and a shit ton on tap:
The show went well. The crowd was very excited for both our show and Timb's. They even knew the words to our songs. Timb came on stage with us for a photo op:
Scott let us stay the night at his wonderfully decorated house:
and Laura defeated me at joust:
The next day we went to an ocean side restaurant call The Salty Dog. Timb ate something that no human being should put in their stomach, but i will let Timb tell you about that himself. I don't want to steal his thunder. I ate something rather banal in comparison. A beer battered, deep fried 1/4 pound hotdog:
I know it looks like I am making out with it. That is because I am.