The seven deadly sins, also known as the capital vices or cardinal sins, are a classification of the most objectionable vices that were originally used in early Christian teachings to educate and instruct followers concerning fallen man's tendency to sin.
Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride
Lust came to be by way of several males who were attractive enough and willing. It was purely physical and completely non-satisfactory in the emotional sense. Not one to think of deeds as mistakes, the encounters served as reminders toward the what not to do. Maz is in the picture now and I am a more than happily lustful and unrepentant sinner.
Gluttony is a battle that I lose every day. I eat too much of those things I ought to stay far away from. It really is twisted how much more appealing, say, a slice of chocolate cake becomes once one knows that one should have a salad instead. Make that a few slices...
Greed is something I’ve gotten better about. My immediate family has a couple of bucks to its name but the rest of the family is pretty average. Some of them border on poverty actually and my female parent unit has been known to want to save the world. Many an argument has been had over how much was *given* to such and such. As maturity and values set in, I’ve limited my attacks and we are all the better for it.
Sloth, like gluttony, is a waging battle. There isn’t much to keep me busy these days and more times than not I am ok with that. There is slight guilt over not actively contributing to the world but that very guilt falls by the way side when I think of myself having to trudge around like the millions of automatons in this city. There does live a small voice that nags me about being a loser with nothing to show for herself but it is a small voice and I’ve gotten good at shutting it up.
Wrath, like greed, is much mellower these days. Most of it came from my issues with money matters. The more I work on our money being a non-issue, the less “wrath” is an issue. It has done wonders for my relationship with the mother thing and the rest of my clan.
Envy would have to be the least experienced of the 7. During my tumultuous teens, I felt less than my contemporaries in several ways but rare is the girl at that age that doesn’t, yeah? My biggest problem was with my kid sister whom I always compared myself to. That’s a story for another day, though.
Pride is just above envy from an experience point of view. Most of it stemmed from a diminished sense of self. In trying to make myself appear greater than I was, for the sake of others, pride was always the ticket. Pride in my grades, my intelligence, charisma, my physical and spiritual strength Etc. the truth is that I was a young woman who was lost within, severely afraid of having any unknown individual learn that truth and pride in overcompensating seemed the best way to go.
So what of you? Do you dare to confess your sins?