Title: Usiku (1/1)
Author: monstrousreg
Word count:
Warnings: Mentions of blood and gore, possibly insulting language.
Pairing: Erik/Charles.
Notes: A one-shot inspired by
this beautiful picture by
Yaegakisawa. She is an amazing artist, and I saw this picture and this story just... assaulted me.
Usiku means 'night' in Swahili.
The sad truth is Usiku agents exist far from society and largely out of the law, by necessity )
Comments 36
It felt right to put Raven and Emma up there with Charles as prized companions--after all, their mutations are powerful, and a self-respecting Ancient would only want a powerful companion, if they must put up with one at all.
Indeed. Though it does help that Erik and Charles do seem to get along rather well. |D I got the feeling that they were a unique pair even among their..I don't think co-workers is quite the right word but among other pairs.
I'm glad I managed to pull it off! Re-reading it I saw my ever-present tense changes *bangs head against desk* but I'm still overall happy with how it turned out. I was trying out my hand because I signed up for the Reverse Big-Bang, and wanted to see if I could actually manage it.
I don't know if there will be more--I can't promise, unfortunately. It feels right to leave it there and let you imagine the rest ;) Like a little window.
Oh god tenses are my worse issue too! But yes you really pulled it off amazingly! You're signing up for reverse?! YAY!!! hahaha
Yep I understand, It kinda is really good where it ends now but it is a really good au!!!
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