Title: The Bell's Toll (14/?)
Author: monstrousreg
Word count:
Warnings: This chapter. Everything in this chapter. That is a legitimate warning. Disturbing imagery and violence ahead. Read with care. I apologize in advance.
Pairing: Erik/Charles.
Summary: Nikkita AU inspired by
this prompt. A sort of fusion between the two series, with a healthy (or
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Comments 12
The only horrible thing is that it ends on a cliffhanger!
Cliffhangers are fun! /shifts eyes
You know, Charles thinks a lot of things about himself that may or may not be true. Though he knows himself well enough, he doesn't take into account he fact that he, like everyone else, also grows. Things that were true when this story began have stopped being true now.
Nope, your theorizing is great! Erik shot him. And Charles will not be best pleased when he comes back around, trust me.
Next chapter not being brutal... uhm... have tequila on hand.
LOL I guess they went pretty shit, didn't they? To say there is now bad blood between them is... to put it mildly.
I'm still following this from afar, so not much reviews ans I'm sorry, but this chapter just couldn't let me go like this.
Brilliant, is what this story is! And your writing too.
I have to admit I didn't always understand where this was going, but now that it unfolds and that I have more keys to the plot and how the characters function, the whole thing appears all the more stunning.
I just wanted you to know how wonderful I find this, and that I will continue to follow your story, though I will try to review more in the future!
Just keep on like this, you're doing great!!!
Never worry about not leaving reviews, i'm just happy you;re still enjoying it!
Thank you so much for your kind words <3 I'm happy you think this makes more sense now. I would apologize for dragging the mystery along but... that would be me lying, because I'm not /evil grin
Thank you!
A lot of things caused Baskerville to exist, but the distance between what Charles knows logically and what he feels has always been an abyss, and that certainly helped. His mother did not deserve it. But we can;t help but love our mothers, can we?
Haha not even Charles has a handle on himself, man. What I enjoy the most about Charles is making him unpredictable. He's always been complex, but he's never been invested enough in anything to demonstrate it. In this chapter, he brought his whole mind to bear on Erik's issue, and so I was able to show more layers. I had fun writing it. And it was a fascinating exercise.
I love Moira! And I can't seem to write a fic without the Avengers thrown in lately >.Aw, I know. I like this Erik, myself. But he's not okay as he is. /hugs ( ... )
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