I adore Albus' increasingly nasty frustration in the face of Severus' 'inexplicable' compassion! It seems to me that Dumbledore's callous and dismissive attitude would motivate Snape to try harder to reach out to baby!Tom, since he's probably had enough of Albus deciding who gets to be valued and who doesn't.
I also really like the way Severus uses the countercurse to heal the baby. In retrospect, none of us should have been surprised that a man capable of that spell should have something as gentle as a doe for his patronus (leaving the whole Lily angle aside).
Like I said in the introduction, I didn't plan this story, it just came out. So, the details ended up surprising me.
Like Snape being naked. Of course he started out being naked, because Harry was when he got to the King's Cross station. But I surprised that Snape didn't mind it.
I also wasn't expecting Colin Creevy, I just needed to put a random dead person in there. But once I wrote it, I loved that Colin was snapping pictures of the Afterlife.
Oh, warnings. Rated XC, for excessively good Snape. That's for those who like their Snape on the bitter side. hmm. "I like my Snape like I like my coffee...dark, bitter, and with no shampoo in it."
Anyway, I've bookmarked you for reading. I think I should start at the beginning. Over the summer I thought that rewriting the story from Snape's perspective would be a good project, and clearly you've already been writing Snape-perspective for a long time and we could have some good discussions. I just have to put it off right now because I'm in the middle of midterms and would like to get a few real-life OWL's.
Thanks. I added you to my friends list, as well, so I can keep up with your entries.
I think this Snape Afterlife story is the epiloque--if I do go up to the end of his life. My original plan, because I started pre-DH, was to go up to the end of HBP.
Now, my main problem is that--while the main points of my story aren't hosed, some of the details are. For example, how Snape met Lily. And, of course, I like what I did better. Not very modest of me, but there you are.
I don't see anything wrong with keeping it, but making it a little alternate-universe. I'm starting post-DH, but I expect that some of it will be negated by the encyclopedia that JKR is talking about publishing, so I'm not going to make a huge point out of being compliant with that.
Besides, I don't even want to think about what the "Snape" entry will look like.
Most of this journal is non-fan-related, so I hope you aren't disappointed by the entries.
I caught this one late. Hee! Dumbledore's increasing displeasure and Snape ignoring him is such a good payback! And that little touch of Lily being all that Snape needed to heal little Tom and make him coo was inspired.
I'd love to get in on the acting conversation, since I took Beginning Acting and Acting for the Camera last year, but our school tends toward comedy, which I'm no good at. I did a great job if I do say so myself playing the mom in the last 6 pages of "'Night, Mother", an exercise for class, even really cried at the end. But since we don't do anything serious, it's a useless talent here, and I've used up all their acting classes.
I'm happy to talk about acting, but I'm not really that much of an expert. I studied acting in college, but ended up being a lot happier writing.
I also took some improvisation classes, which sort of combines writing and acting, but it's not really helpful to think of it that way--because the essense of improvisation is to stop thinking. You have to trick your mind into getting out of the way of creation.
I'm kind of interested in what an acting for the camera classes would be. I did a few student films, but I never felt any good about it. I'm very unphotogenic.
Great story!!!! Good luck with your acting, btw... i've done some professional stage acting myself. i can't decide if it's more of a rush hearing the applause or knowing that just for a brief moment, the audience was able to get into the story and forget about their everyday, mundane lives for awhile. Art of any sort has a sort of magick, and healing, about it.
Snape continued singing until the skin was perfect from head to the tip of the littlest toe. Then he said, using the same sing-song melody, “Sectumsempra. My signature spell, the other side of severance. The knitting together of things.”
Oh my. Yes. Yes YES. I cannot possibly overstate the wonderful glowing ache in my heart I got from reading this line.
“Because that was my role,” Snape said. “To do the things you couldn’t bear to do. ..
I'd say "Oooh, Albus! Burned!" but... no. That's not the tone here. Finally Severus doesn't need to be angry anymore.
Comments 22
I adore Albus' increasingly nasty frustration in the face of Severus' 'inexplicable' compassion! It seems to me that Dumbledore's callous and dismissive attitude would motivate Snape to try harder to reach out to baby!Tom, since he's probably had enough of Albus deciding who gets to be valued and who doesn't.
I also really like the way Severus uses the countercurse to heal the baby. In retrospect, none of us should have been surprised that a man capable of that spell should have something as gentle as a doe for his patronus (leaving the whole Lily angle aside).
Like I said in the introduction, I didn't plan this story, it just came out. So, the details ended up surprising me.
Like Snape being naked. Of course he started out being naked, because Harry was when he got to the King's Cross station. But I surprised that Snape didn't mind it.
I also wasn't expecting Colin Creevy, I just needed to put a random dead person in there. But once I wrote it, I loved that Colin was snapping pictures of the Afterlife.
Oh, warnings. Rated XC, for excessively good Snape. That's for those who like their Snape on the bitter side.
hmm. "I like my Snape like I like my coffee...dark, bitter, and with no shampoo in it."
Anyway, I've bookmarked you for reading. I think I should start at the beginning. Over the summer I thought that rewriting the story from Snape's perspective would be a good project, and clearly you've already been writing Snape-perspective for a long time and we could have some good discussions. I just have to put it off right now because I'm in the middle of midterms and would like to get a few real-life OWL's.
I think this Snape Afterlife story is the epiloque--if I do go up to the end of his life. My original plan, because I started pre-DH, was to go up to the end of HBP.
Now, my main problem is that--while the main points of my story aren't hosed, some of the details are. For example, how Snape met Lily. And, of course, I like what I did better. Not very modest of me, but there you are.
Besides, I don't even want to think about what the "Snape" entry will look like.
Most of this journal is non-fan-related, so I hope you aren't disappointed by the entries.
I'd love to get in on the acting conversation, since I took Beginning Acting and Acting for the Camera last year, but our school tends toward comedy, which I'm no good at. I did a great job if I do say so myself playing the mom in the last 6 pages of "'Night, Mother", an exercise for class, even really cried at the end. But since we don't do anything serious, it's a useless talent here, and I've used up all their acting classes.
I'm happy to talk about acting, but I'm not really that much of an expert. I studied acting in college, but ended up being a lot happier writing.
I also took some improvisation classes, which sort of combines writing and acting, but it's not really helpful to think of it that way--because the essense of improvisation is to stop thinking. You have to trick your mind into getting out of the way of creation.
I'm kind of interested in what an acting for the camera classes would be. I did a few student films, but I never felt any good about it. I'm very unphotogenic.
Good luck with your acting, btw... i've done some professional stage acting myself. i can't decide if it's more of a rush hearing the applause or knowing that just for a brief moment, the audience was able to get into the story and forget about their everyday, mundane lives for awhile.
Art of any sort has a sort of magick, and healing, about it.
Oh my. Yes. Yes YES. I cannot possibly overstate the wonderful glowing ache in my heart I got from reading this line.
“Because that was my role,” Snape said. “To do the things you couldn’t bear to do. ..
I'd say "Oooh, Albus! Burned!" but... no. That's not the tone here. Finally Severus doesn't need to be angry anymore.
Yes, Snape is finally able to let go of everything and move on. It's Dumbledore who still isn't ready.
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