Here's a picture I took last summer when I was in Florida. I only got around to scanning it in tonight. I think it's either really good or really crappy, and I can't decide. However, Anna-Lena and
Johanna both seem to like it, so here it is. I'm too lazy to create a new subdirectory on Under Exposure, so I'm posting it here.
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Comments 2
I actually use Skype for school. One of the courses I'm taking is not actually designated a "distance course" but seven of us are distance students. Up to five of us can listen in to the lecture live using Skype. It's pretty cool.
I talked Peter into installing it and getting all his family back in Sweden to install it and now the house fills with weekly Swedish chatter from "home" :)
I've also since installed it on my mom's computer (who is also here in the States) and once my sister (who is in Brisbane) gets her new computer, she'll get Skype installed as well. Yay to no more international calls :)
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