
Sep 11, 2011 21:43

Friends, Romans, countrymen, the f-list is out of control.

I need to pare it down because hundreds of the names are from back when I first locked up my fic. The locking was due to circumstances that no longer pertain, or maybe I just don't give a shit anymore. Every story/chapter should now be unlocked, so it's not necessary to be my LJ friend to read my stories. Since my fandom interests move on, most of those on the f-list don't follow my fic anymore so it probably doesn't matter to them if I prune the list. They won't even notice. Of course any long-time friend is staying and I love you, by the way. <3

Another reason I'm doing this is that a bunch of Russian journals have been friending me lately. It seems odd. The journals are in Russian so I'm unable to read them. These are people who've never left a comment on my fic and I don't recognize their names from any of the comms. If I check their interests, ratbert ain't in there anywhere. Could this be like when people one doesn't know try to friend one on facebook for nefarious reasons? I'm weirded out.

I'm going to try very hard not to remove anyone who is a recent add and therefore likely a fan of Adam and Tommy stories. Lots of names will be recognizable, especially if we've talked in comments. Some people may friend only so they can follow a story arc, so my goal is to not accidentally defriend. But if I do accidentally remove you, trust me, it's only an accident - please accept my apologies and leave me a comment or email me to tell me what an arse I am!

Mostly I need to pare things down because my life is out of control and I'm trying to regain some sanity. :D
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