so yeah, that was my first day working at the chapel hill violin shop. what a woman. the lady i work for has 3 kids...and the first thing she says to me is "I have a problem with delegating..." ok, honey, you have kids. you'll learn to use child labor pretty soon. so much for common sense.
waaam wam waaaaammmm, whamm wam waaaaaaaaaaaammmmm!!! *mahler's 5th, first movement, brass section* haha, makes you (i speak for myself...therefore:) I, want to get up and shout and do mad conducting dances! I am utterly inspired
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Whoop Whoop!!! New favorite movie: High Fidelity... come to think of it, pretty much anything with John Cusack. He's one badass depressive jive monkey
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ok guys. my computer has officially been removed from my room. how sad. :( but HAH! hope for the wonderful future. BEHOLD...SAWR CREEEM!!! *crazy fast announcer voice* when combined with the SUPER POWERS of the wednesday ninja, the might saaaauuurrr kreem and hump day UNITE into one....horrible....disturbing.... MID WEEK PAAARRTAY
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Wow. that was truly the lamest "party" I've ever been to. Sadly enough...I hosted it. DAMN there's alot of dishes. fuckin' a. you be dirty people at my haus.
Tomorrow I shall be going to amy's then to kiersten's b-day party at strong's, then back to amy's for some good ol' amy-ollie time. :) fun fun.