Some people have been bugging me to post more. Here's a random post about what little I've been up to lately (with pictures).
First, I found out that a pawn-shop-like store, called
Hard Off (site in Japanese), buys and sells computer parts. Today, I went there to sell off some old junk and to see if they had anything good.
Here's a receipt of the junk I sold off:
Since it is in moonspeak, here are the important details.
I sold:
- One motherboard (ECS N2U400-A nForce2 chipset) plus one CPU (AMD Athlon XP 2400+), 150 yen
- Two sticks of RAM (PC3200 512MB × 2 = 1GB), 800 yen
- One 3D graphics card (GEFORCE 6600 GT 128MB AGP), 100 yen
I got a total of 1,050 yen for all that. Whoo.
Speaking of Hard Off, I went there to buy a new television after my old widescreen CRT monster gave up the ghost in the machine.
This I got for roughly $700 US. Not a bad deal. My apartment also gets digital television. It's pretty sweet, unless you happen to flip to a news channel wherein they interview a sweating politician. I could count the individual drops of sweat on his brow. :shudder:
In short: I like Hard Off. I'll probably visit periodically to see if they ever get any
really shiny video cards in. Probably not.
Also, I ordered delivery sushi once.
You can see the wasabi and gari all piled up on top of a mint leaf.
And that's what I've been up to. How exciting.