Player Information
Name: Manda
Age: 24
AIM SN: PMSzilla
Have you played in an LJ based game before? yup
Bonus: How did you hear about Siren's Pull? I know a few people already in the game. Some in the AA cast, some in the One Piece cast and other.
Character Information
Canon Source: Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Canon Format: Game
Character's Name: Ema Skye
Character's Age: 25
Conditional: If your character is 13 years of age or under, please clarify how they will be played. n/a
What form will your character's NV take?
this smartphone
Character's Canon Abilities: n/a
Conditional: If your character has no superhuman canon abilities, what dormant ability will you give them? To quote Apollo Justice on Ema, “And the forecast for the park today… Gloomy Skyes”. That is, Ema will have the dormant ability to control the weather to some degree. However, as not to overpower, once gaining and managing control of it, she will only be able to control the weather in a half a mile radius. In addition to the outside weather she can create weather (storm clouds above her head, striking lightening at someone, etc) inside if she so chooses, and likely will quite often on accident. This power will manifest slowly in the form of a “mood cloud”, that is, when in a particular moods a gloomy cloud will appear above her head. If she so chooses, she can also pull in fog and mist.*
((I am willing to work with these if it’s too much!))
Weapons: As a detective, upon arrival Ema would have a police issued handgun. In addition, while not a weapon, she also keeps two pairs of handcuffs on her at all times, as well as a handbag full of goodies. These “goodies” include finger print powder, luminol as well as a vial of an unknown substance known as “experimental Hydroxyacelunodosetrase” that she regularly threatens to spill on the faces of those that “oppose” her.
Character History:
Here Point in Canon: Post Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
Conditional: Brief summary of previous RP history: n/a
Character Personality: Once upon a time Ema Skye was an energetic young science enthusiast. This helpful teenager would stop and nothing to lend a helping hand and prove that she would one day be the best scientific investigator that ever lived. Fast forward seven years and that cheerful young girl has been replaced with a moody, snackoo-munching detective.
Ema’s consistent annoyance is stemmed from the fact that she is, in fact, a detective rather than a scientific investigator. Her clumsiness, among other things kept her from the job, reducing her to a less-than-ideal job. Throw in an annoying, glimmering prosecutor and you got yourself one hell of a snapper, or in the case of this particular woman- a muncher. The more annoyed Ema is, the more she snacks. It is safe to say from the way she often uses snacking as an excuse to get out of talking to people that her favorite food is somewhat of a scapegoat as well as a security blanket. If she’s in a particular mood she is not afraid to throwing them as well.
Her moodiness aside, there is some things about Ema that will never change. That is, of course, her love of science. Truth be told Ema is not nearly as scientific minded as she likes to make herself and others believe. She has a tendency to proclaim something is scientific when it is, in fact, far from it. Despite her employment as a detective, the science lover enjoys using her job as an advantage, often going ahead of the forensic team to investigate scientifically before they can get there. Get in the way of her work, however, and you’re likely to get a snackoo thrown at your head.
Ema’s enthusiasm towards science can work as an advantage to get closer to the woman as well as a disadvantage. If nothing one has to say about the subject, she’s likely to ignore them completely. However, offer scientific evidence and she’s all yours. It’s then that the old Ema shined through, as long as you give her a chance to gloat a little. If there’s one thing Ema loves aside from science, it’s knowing something another might not. She greatly enjoys helping out and watching a person figure out things for themselves that in a backwards sort of way, she’s helping more than deterring someone from what they may need to know.
For the most part, Ema’s far from afraid to complain and bring up things she doesn’t like. In fact, she’s more prone to complaining than anything else. Her job? Can’t stand it. That glimmering prosecutor that trails fangirls that mess up her crime scene? You bet whoever’s in range is never going to hear the end of it, provided she feels like talking rather than snacking. And while sometimes it appears as if she does not have a sense of humor, or knows how to have fun at all, that is not always the case. Ema’s strange sense of humor tends to shrine through at the oddest time and has even been known to offer an impression or two at the most improper of times.
Conditional: Personality development in previous game: n/a
Character Plans: It’ll take Ema a little to get used to the general setting, coming to terms with the fact that this place is not entirely explainable by science. However, she will slowly but surely get over it, and when she does she will likely lean towards learning more about The Pull. As it’s her goal to one day be a scientific investigator, any strange happenings (disappearances, etc) will be her key focus, using her skills as a detective to help-whether it’s something that can be found out or not.
long brown hair wafting in the breeze-or something like that Writing Samples
First Person Sample
[There is little other than muching. Muching for a very long time until, finally, a female voice begins speaking. Unfortunately, she’s not done eating.]
This is all [munch] very funny, but if you expect me to believe I’ve been taken from home to some place new entirely, you’re [munch munch] wrong. If you’re going to give me some [munch] bogus [munch] story, the least you could do is make it [munch munch] something explainable by [munch] science.
Now, if you know what’s [munch] good for you, you’ll get me home immediately. Drugging and kidnapping is [munch munch munch] illegal, you know. The second I [munch] know who [munch] did this [munch munch munch] I’ll make sure you’ll be put where you never see the [munch munch] sun shine ag- [munch] -ain.
[There is a very distinct sound of someone taking a bag and crumpling it. It would seem Ema was about to hang up the phone until, suddenly…]
Oh, and the least you could do is get me a new bag of snackoos. The chocolate one’s, please.
Third Person Sample
It was always clear when Ema was around. All one had to do was follow the sound of snackoo munching and sure enough there she would be. Sure enough, once you found the source there Ema could be found, munching away on her favorite snack. Sometimes she did it simply for the love of the snack. Not this time. This time the detective was annoyed as she stood in the middle of the crime scene with one hand on her hip. The other, of course, held the bag labeled snackoos. Occasionally, she’d lift the hand from her hip to stuff more chocolate snacks into her mouth.
“This is a mess!” she proclaimed to no one. If anyone was listening, she didn’t care. The only thing she cared about was the mess her crime scene was left in after the prosecutor had gone through. She found all his glimmering distracting, not to mention the sound of his fangirls outside the park gate was as grating as fingernails against a chalk board.
Finger printing had been finished long ago, the high from one of her favorite activities done. It had come as a great joy to discover perfect finger prints on the weapon in question. There had no doubt who it had belonged to, either. To be honest, her own job had been long done. The rest was to be left to the scientific investigators, but they weren’t here yet, were they? That only gave Ema the chance to break out one of her new gadgets before anyone arrived. Everything had gone well at first. She moved the tarps to reveal perfect shoe prints. All that was next was to mould them and she’d be able to find who they belonged to. It might not amount to much. Ema would never admit it, but it was for her own pure enjoyment, it didn’t really matter if what she revealed would be used as any sort of evidence.
Stuffing her package of snackoos in her bag the detective pulled out the necessary tools before squatting in the dirt. Making the mould concoction went smoothly, but pouring it did not. Ema’s clumsiness got the better of her, making a large mess. Half of it missed the indentation left from the previous nights mud altogether. “This isn’t right at all!” she scolded the mold and attempted to fix it with her fingers, only to become more frustrated and flustered as she discovered it stuck. With nothing left to do, she blow-dried the messy mixture until it hardened. Try as she might to fix it, several bits stuck to the grass.
Great. Just great. Now she’d never be able to figure out who those prints belong to! All that money wasted because of her own stupid clumsiness. Snatching snackoos out again she proceeded to furiously munch on the snacks. What she needed was an extra set of hands, sturdy hands. Possibly even someone stupid enough to do the job for her. Sure enough, that someone would come and interrupt her munching only a few minutes later. Perfect. Apollo Justice, prepare to be dazzled by science.