o1 Name: In full: Charles Eddie Wilson, but I mostly go by Eddie.
o2 Birthday: March 17, 1984
o3 Age: 23
o4 Height: 5'2", and i'm not kidding. ^^
o5 Weight: 120 lbs. and i'm not kidding about that either
o6 Eye Color: Brown.
o7 Hair Color: Brown.
o8 What eye color do you want? Perhaps blue, like Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy VII and Mog from Final Fantasy VI. ^_^
o9 What hair color do you want? White, possible. ^^
o10 Favorite Food: Pepperoni and Supreme Pizza, and curry
o11 Favorite Color: Black, white, red, blue and purple. And pink when its on women. ^^
o12 Favorite Place: Space Cat, LA Boxing and Fanime and anything related to them. ^^
o13 Favorite Number: 42, the answer to Life, Universe and Everything.
o14 Favorite Instant-Messaging Program: AIM and MSN
o15 Favorite Country: Japan and Thailand
o16 Favorite Band: The Rolling Stones and Porno Graffiti
o17 Favorite Movie: Final Fantasy VII: Advent Children and Battle Royale.
o18 Favorite Singer: TM Revolution
o19 Favorite Instrument: Cowbell! :D
o20 Favorite Console game: Super Mario Bros, Sonic the Hedgehog, Final Fantasy, Pokemon, Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Ac!d, Devil May Cry, Resident Evil, Kingdom Hearts, Castlevania, Street Fighter, King of Fighters, Metal Slug, Double Dragon and many others. ^_^
o21 Favorite Computer Game: See above
o22 Favorite Pattern: Yin Yang
&o23 Favorite Music Genre: Rock and J-Rock
&o24 Favorite Store: Gamestop
&o25 Favorite Letter: E
&o26 Why is that your favorite letter? Its used in my name of Eddie. ^^
&o27 Favorite MTV Show: I don't watch MTW
&o28 Favorite FUSE show: I don't watch FUSE either
&o29 DVDs or Videos: DVDs.
&o30 Cassettes or CDs: CDs.
&o31 What nationalities are you? Filipino-American, with a blend of Irish, Scottish and German
&o32 Favorite lyric from a song: I've got a lot. ^^
&o33 Favorite Amusement Park: Raging Waters
&o34 Favorite Water park: See above. ^^
&o35 Ever traveled outside your state? Yeps.
&o36 What about outside your country? I went to Canada a looooong time ago.
&o37 What grade are you in? Graduated from grade school, now attending community college.
&o38 What school do you go to? San Jose City College
&o39 Do you still watch cartoons? Yep yeps. ^_^
&o40 What's your favorite decade? Late 90's
&o41 Do you follow trends? Nope.
&o42 Do you set trends? Nope. ^^
&o43 What trend needs to stop, NOW? Pretty much this whole pessimistic trend....whats with all the hating and moping?! Keep your chin up and smile. ^_^ And i'll help ya out if ya need it. ^^
&o44 What do people label you? I need no label. ^^
&o45 Do you label others? They don't need a label either. ^^
&o46 Do you label yourself? No way.
&o47 What colors are your bedroom? Bedroom!?
&o48 What colors do you want your bedroom too be? Littered with many anime and video game posters. ^^
&o49 Favorite Sports: Sport or not, its martial arts. ^^
&o50 What type of computer do you have? Compaq.
&o51 What type of internet do you have? Comcast
&o52 How much did you weigh when you were born? 2.5 lbs, prematurely.
&o53 Are you creative? Definitely. ^_^
&o54 Do you like DIY? What?!
&o55 Can you sew? Nope, sadly.
&o56 Can you knit? Nope.
&o57 What's your favorite weapon? Words, nunchucks, and my 3 sectioned connectable Bo staff. I'm pretty much a weapon myself. ^^
&o58 Ever beaten anyone up? Not quite...
&o59 Ever got beaten up? Nope.
&o60 Who are your best friends? They know who they are. ^_^
&o61 What friends do you hang out with most? Either my school friends or my Fanime friends. ^^
&o62 Who did you last instant message? Soleyl. ^^
&o63 Who did you last talk to? Miguel.
&o64 What are you listening to right now? Shin Chan on TV. (I'm playing on my X-Box 360 after this)
&o65 Whose birthday was last? A few people ^^
&o66 Who's birthday is coming up? Some of my good friends. ^_^
&o67 Do you wear glasses? Nope.
&o68 Do you wear contacts? Nope.
&o69 Would you consider yourself 'deaf-dumb-blind'? No-no-no.
&o70 What was your last vacation? Christmas at my grandmothers. ^^
&o71 Do you like your bus? Its ok, but it should be better. ^^
&o72 Do you like the kids in your neighborhood? They're ok. ^^
&o73 Do you often get mail? Sometimes. ^^
&o74 Are you always outside? At times.
&o75 Ever counted to 1,000? Nope.
&o76 Ever counted to 1,000,000? Nope.
&o77 When did you learn how to read? When I was 3
&o78 When did you read your first chapter book? First grade, reading my personal favorite childhood book: How to Eat Fried Worms. ^_^
&o79 Who was the smartest person you knew? Everyone I know is really intelligent. ^_^
&o80 Ever been in love? Yeps, a lot of times. ^^
&o81 What was your first screenname? Moogleborg....and it'll be my Screen name, FOREVA! :D :D
&o82 First email? I forgot. ^^
&o83 When did you get your first computer? Many years ago...I think when I was in the fourth grade.
&o84 What age did you get internet? Eighth grade.
&o85 What was your favorite show way back when? A whole lot of them....just ask me. ^_^
&o86 Do you like sunsets? As long as I watch it with someone beautiful. ^_^
&o87 Do you like snow? Yeps. ^_^
&o88 Did you ever rake leaves just to jump in them? Yeah, but I can never quite get a pile big enough.
&o89 Ever build a snowman? Yeps. ^_^
&o90 Ever played a guitar? I tried to. ^^
&o91 Who's your favorite guitarist? Eric Clapton
&o92 Who's your favorite singer? TM Revolution
&o93 What's your least favorite store? Nothing that comes to mind.
&o94 Ever been so hot you thought you were going to pass out? At times....must find...swimming pool...
&o95 Ever been so cold you thought you’d freeze to death? Yep...
&o96 Ever came close to dying? A lot of times.
&o97 Ever saved someone's life? Sometimes. ^^
&o98 Ever snuck into someone's house? No way!
&o99 Ever snuck into someone's backyard? Nope.
&o100 Ever got a knife held up to you? Nope.
&o101 Ever got a gun held up to you? Nope
&o102 Ever held a gun? Yep.
&o103 Ever held drugs? Mostly presription.
&o104 Ever done drugs? Nope
&o105 Ever had sex? Nope.
&o106 Ever lost something you borrowed? Yep.
&o107 Ever stole something? Nope
&o108 Ever eaten animal food? Nope
&o109 If so, what kind? Nothing
&o110 Do you listen to the radio? Only in the car.
&o111 What's your favorite radio station? KFOX and KFOG, both Classic Rock stations. ^_^
&o112 What's your favorite school subject? Karate, Dance and my English 1B class was good. ^_^
&o113 What's your least favorite subject? Math.....but i'll get through it.
&o114 Ever failed a subject? Yep.
&o115 What's the lowest grade you got? F, in math.
&o117 Ever went to summer school? Yep.
&o118 How much do you spend on school supplies each year? Well, since I have to buy books and bus passes, over $1000.
&o119 How much do you (or your family) spend on gas in a week? No idea.
&o120 Are you high-class, middle-class, or low-class? Middle class so far.
&o121 Are you a dark, gloomy person or a perky person? Light and perky! :D
&o122 What do you like that most people never heard of? Various types of video games. ^^
&o123 Are you unique? You could say that. ^^
&o124 What song is overplayed on the radio, MTV and everything else? Soulja Boy.
&o125 What's the first Green Day song you heard? I remember it was something way before American Idiot, but I forgot. ^^
&o126 Ever been to a wedding? I've been to a reception. ^^
&o127 Ever been to a Bar/Bat Mitzvah? Nope.
&o128 Ever been to a Communion or Confirmation? Whats that?
&o129 What's the last movie you saw in theatres? Pretty much, TMNT, I think.
&o130 What's the last play you saw? Madamoiselle Modiste, where one of my friends from Fanime, Sydney, starred in. ^__^ One of the most wonderful plays i've seen. ^_^
&o131 Are you one of those people who change their screenname/email addy every week? No way!
&o132 What does your screenname mean? Moogleborg comes from the Moogles of Final Fantasy and the borg of Star Trek. ^^
&o134 What does your email mean? Look above. ^^
&o135 Who was your first crush? I forgot...i've had my first crush back in 1st grade.
&o136 What are your pet peeves? A lot of things that involve hate. Why waste time hatin'!? Lets start loving everyone!
&o137 What gives you a natural high? Delicious food, and sweet aromatic fragrances females wear. ^_^
&o138 Ever got stoned? No way!
&o139 Ever been pressured to do something? Yep. Didn't go through with it though.
&o140 Ever been to a five-star restaurant? Nope.
&o141 When was the last time you ate fast food? Monday, when I ate some KFC and Long John Silvers.
&o142 When was the last sleepover you had? In August at Mikes apartment, before I moved in.
&o143 Do you usually have sleepovers at your house or the other person's? Mostly at the apartment i'm living in right now.
&o144 Are you a good, average or bad student? Above average. ^^
&o145 When you get bad grades, what do your parents do? My mom drives me up the wall with it.
&o146 Do you want a tattoo? The japanese symbol for love, 'Ai' on my back.
&o147 Do you want a piercing? Nope
&o148 What's your religious beliefs? Catholic, and extremely open minded.
&o149 Where did you discover your favorite band and how? I've heard most of their songs on the radio and on some of my favorite TV shows and anime. ^_^
&o150 Do you like the same things everyone else does or do you have your own little thing going on? My own thing.
&o151 Ever been to a club? Only to apply for a job.
&o152 Is your neighborhood boring or is there always something going on? Sometimes theres stuff going on.
&o153 What's the weirdest song you've heard? Katamari de Mambo from the Katamari Damacy soundtrack. One of my personal favorite tracks from there. ^_^
&o154 Do you like it when people do covers of other band's songs? Depends on the cover.
&o155 What is the most overrated song? Ohh, theres a huge list....
&o156 What is the most underrated song? I'm making my own list...
&o157 Do you listen to music that's sung in a different language? Yeps. ^_^ I've listened to music in Japanese, German, Tagalog and French. ^^
&o158 Did you ever like something then got most of your friends to like it? Yeps. ^^
&o159 What song lyric does everyone at your school have written everywhere? I don't know.
&o160 What music video do you see on most xangas and myspaces? No idea.
&o161 What color is your keyboard? Dirty and gray.
&o162 Where do you do your food shopping? Save Mart
&o163 Do you like cemeteries? No way!
&o164 Did you ever own a drumset? Does Rock Band count?
&o165 If you could be in a band, what instrument would you play? Cowbell! :D
&o166 If you could choose the band name, what would it be? Well, my band on Rock Band is named Otaku Inc.
&o167 Did you ever misunderstand song lyrics? Yep.
&o168 What did you think they were, and what were the real lyrics? Songs about hatred, which they were, with a bit of homicidal and suicidal ones.....those songs, I do not like....
&o169 Ever visit ebaums world? Wheres that?
&o170 If so, what did you think? I've never been there.
&o171 Do you have your own domain name? Nope.
&o172 Do you have a website? Nope.
&o173 What last name do you like? (shrugs)
&o174 What name would you pick for yourself? Mines fine, thank you.
&o175 What boy's names do you like? Jack, Ash, Ken, Ryu, Yun, Yang.
&o176 What girl's names do you like? Kairi, Misty, Sarah, Christine, Rachel.
&o177 How many people are 'gangsta' at your school? Small handful.
&o178 What's your favorite place to eat in the mall? Sorabols Korean BBQ! :D And Fujisan Sushi. ^^
&o179 What's your favorite place to eat fast food? Arbys, Burger King, Subway and Kumako (Ramen, FTW! :D)
&o180 Do people think you're weird? I don't care, I like who I am. ^^
&o181 What's your locker number? I don't have one.
&o182 What's your locker combination? I don't have a locker...
&o183 Who did you share a locker with? Weren't you listening to me?! I said I don't have a locker!
&o184 Is your school over-crowded? Its usually a bit quiet....
&o185 What's the earliest date you went back to school? August 28th
&o186 What's the latest date you got out of school? I forgot...
&o187 Ever got suspended? From work.
&o188 Ever been expelled? Nope.
&o189 Ever got detention? Nope.
&o190 Ever participated in a spelling/geography/etc bee? Nope.
&o191 Do you need glasses/contacts, but don't wear them? Nope.
&o192 Do you need braces, but haven't got them yet? Had them.
&o193 Do you need to wear rubberbands if you have braces? Yep.
&o194 What's the most painful dental thing you had done? Getting wisdom teeth taken out.
&o195 Ever got surgery? Nope
&o196 If so, what for? N/A.
&o197 How old is the oldest person in your family that you know of? My grandma just turned 80 a few months ago. ^^
&o198 Do you look at the TV guide or the TV guide channel for TV listings? Nope. Comcast has a menu to browse through. ^^
&o199 What's the longest survey you ever took? Pretty much this one
&o200 What's your favorite computer font? Arial.
&o201 Do you like MTV/MTV2/FUSE? I don't watch them.
&o202 What is the most overplayed video on MTV/FUSE that you HATE? I don't watch it.
&o203 What is the most overplayed video on MTV/FUSE that you LOVE? I said I don't...ah never mind...
&o204 How many CDs do you own?(not burned/mix CDs) 12
&o205 Where was your last class trip to? I forgot.
&o206 What types of movie do you like? Animated, Action, martial arts and comic book adaptations.
&o207 Which of your favorite shows went off the air? A lot of them.
&o208 Did you ever start a petition to bring back a show, band, store, etc? Nope. I'd rather go to the shows producers to do that.
&o209 What celebrities do you think are hot? I've got myself a list.
&o210 Did you ever go pool-hopping? I wish....
&o211 Did you ever vandalize someone's house? No way!
&o212 If so, was it someone you knew or just some random person's? N/A.
&o213 What is the stupid song lyric you ever heard? Wouldn't you like to know? ^^
&o214 When's the last time you been to a cemetery? I've been past them, but not in one.
&o215 What's the worst cut you ever got? A large cut over my left arm in 2nd grade.
&o216 Ever visited the hospital? Mostly when my dad got a bloody ulcer.
&o217 Ever had to be rushed to the hospital? Nope
&o218 Did you ever run away? Nope.
&o219 How many houses have you lived in? Pretty much 3.
&o220 Do you have any relatives in different states? Yep. Where they are, i'm figuring out. ^^
&o221 What is your dream vacation? The whole world! :D
&o223 Have you ever seen someone doing something stupid in their car at a stoplight? Yep.
&o224 If so, what was it? Some couple fondling each other.
&o225 Did you ever get into a car crash? Yep...got a scar on the middle of my forehead to prove it!
&o226 Did you ever see a car go the wrong way on the highway? Nope.
&o227 Did you ever almost drift out to sea? Nope.
&o228 If you were lost at sea with only a boat, fishhooks and bait would you panic? If it didn't had any good fish, then I would!
&o229 Do your family members force their beliefs on you? My mom used to, but not anymore.
&o230 What is the longest amount of time you were away from home? A month.
&o231 Ever slept without air conditioning on a really hot day? Yep....
&o232 If so, did it take long to get to sleep? Three hours.
&o233 Do you make stupid faces in photos? Nope! XD
&o234 Do you have your own computer? Yeps. ^_^
&o235 Do you have your own phone line? Does a cell phone count? ^^
&o236 Do you have a cell phone? Yeps. ^^
&o237 Do you have a TV in your room? Yep.
&o238 Do you have your own computer in your room? If you count the living room. ^^
&o239 Do you have a playstation/xbox/other gaming console in your room? Yeps. ^_^
&o240 Are you one of those people who are obsessed with Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, etc? Nope. They are great actors though, but I go for the women!
&o241 Ever bought something, wore it once and it just sat there in your closet? Used to.
&o242 Do you hate it when your grandparents buy you a bunch of stuff you don't need? She gives me money from now on. ^^
&o243 Do you daydream often? Yeps. ^^
&o244 Did you ever fall asleep in class? If its boring or stuffy.
&o255 Do you like zippers or buttons better? Buttons. Easier to take off. ^^
&o256 What words can you think of that don’t have a vowel (NOT including Y)? A few, but not right now...
&o257 Do you know what VCR or DVD stands for? Video Cassette Recorder and Digital Video Disc. ^^
&o258 What are your nicknames? Moogleborg, Mog, Mogu, Kupo, Moogle Lee, Moogle-san, Moogle-sama, Ed the Moogle, Moogle Ed, and many others. ^^
&o259 Did you ever have a phone conversation with someone you met online? A few people. ^_^
&o260 Did you ever meet someone online then met them in real life? A lot of people. ^_^ And most of those people are on either My Space, LJ or Facebook. ^^
&o261 Do you go in chatrooms often? Sometimes. ^^
&o262 How much spam do you get in your inbox daily? None.
&o263 What song did you hate at first, then start to like? I dunno...
&o264 Do you play 'The Sims'? Nope. ^^
&o265 Do you own the classic Nintendo? I used to, but it got stolen.
&o266 Are you afraid of heights? Yep.
&o267 Do you watch Star Wars? I've seen all of them and Clone Wars.
&o268 What about Battlestar Galactica? Nope. Neither of them...yet...
&o269 Do you have a cell phone? Uh yeah...didn't I answer that!?
&o270 If so, what model is it? Motorola RAZR.
&o271 When's the last time you’ve been to the beach? Last summer to Santa Cruz.
&o272 Can you surf? Haven't tried it.
&o273 Can you snowboard? Haven't tried that either. ^^
&o274 Can you ski? Nope, not that either.
&o275 Ever built a snow fort and got stuck in it? Does buried count!? XD!!
&o276 If so, what happened? It fell on me! XD!!
&o277 Where is your desk located in homeroom? Homeroom!?
&o278 Are most of your teachers male or female? I've had my share of both male and female teachers.
&o279 Do you like glitter? Yeps. ^^
&o280 Are you attracted to shiny things? Yep yep! :D But I won't trade them away for useless equipment!
&o281 Ever built something? Does a cuisine dish count? ^^
&o282 Are you getting tired of this? I may be fatigued from working out earlier, but i'm getting better. ^^
&o283 How many aunts and uncles do you have? A whole lot, I think.
&o284 Do you live with another family member besides your mom, dad and siblings? Nope.
&o285 Did you ever get shoved in a locker? Nope.
&o286 Did you ever steal something from the lost and found at school? Nope.
&o287 Ever beat someone up? Wasn't I asked this before?!
&o288 Ever been beaten up? Wasn't I asked this too!?
289 Did you ever ride a horse? I tried to, but the saddle tipped and I nearly fell off.
290 Did you ever go to camp? When I used to be in the Boy Scouts. ^^
291 Do you like to swim? Yeps. ^_^
292 Do you do any after-school activities? In elementary school, I used to do flag football, and in high school, there was the anime club. ^_^
293 What kind of car do your parents have? Toyotas, both of them.
294 How often do you visit the mall? I used to visit malls, although the last time I was at one was at Oakridge for the Fanime gathering. ^^
295 What time do you wake up? Between 6AM-1PM. Depends on my health and what I have to do.
296 What time do you go to bed? 2-3AM
297 Do you brush your teeth three times a day? Yeps. ^_^
298 Do you have the latest computer from Windows/MAC? Nope.
299 Windows or MAC? Windows
300 Last but not least…did you enjoy this survey? It was sometimes repetitive, but it was still good. ^^