I'm not going to wax eloquent because I can't without well, over-waxing. If you don't know these people, I wish you a good time in finding out.
Meme from
Stephen Fry
Actor, director, writer, comedian, wordsmith, noble, rebel, teacher, orator, student, poet, defender of equality, jester, queen, wise old man, sad little boy, victim of circumstance, lover of life. A beautiful human being.
Catherine Tate as Donna Noble
The most important woman in the universe. By day, although neither mild nor mannered, she is the best temp in Chiswick.
John Barrowman
Oh John,
Marry me a little.
Joss Whedon
Joss has the handsomest brain by which I have ever been poked.
Eddie Izzard
You gotta love a man who can wear a sweetheart neckline with that much attitude. He had me at the Venn diagrams.
Kiera Knightly
Hands up those of you who are surprised I like straight girls dressed up as boys.
Hugh Dillon
Newest inclusion to the mental slideshow. I don't really have a full impression yet, but there's a go-all-nightyness to him that is magnetic.
Sandra Oh
Idina Menzel as Elpheba
"And if I'm flying solo, at least I'm flying free. To those who'd ground me, take a message back from me. Tell them I'm defying gravity."
All pictures ganked off google