Sweet… we all survived the Mayan Calendar (oh, and 2012).
First thing… I smashed-n’-grabbed this (and a bottle of Kentucky eggnog) off of
Let's start the new year with something particularly nice! I promise to make something for the first 5 people who comment.
Rules:It's made by me, and it gets to you by the end of 2013. If you want something
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Comments 12
Well, my education is sucky from a technical standpoint. I can't really tell you dates or names or specifics about a lot of important events, but I am very well-versed in Google and Wikipedia and I do make a point to pretend I know what I'm talking about if what I'm posting has any intention of seeing the light of day. So I suppose I'm very well educated in not looking ill-educated. xD
The running joke, up here is, "If they named the storms after the 2012 Detroit Tigers, then they won't hit anything".
*falls over in giggles*
I see research as a technical strength (because we all know how much of a lost talent that is in our modern-day society… especially in writing). And, that's one of the reasons why I love talking with you. I know that what you say has weight behind it.
I will admit, I’ve use Google and Wikipedia more often than I’ve recounted (I even have Urban Dictionary bookmarked). And, I don’t say otherwise; if I had to look something up, I’ll say so. It’s like I tell my kids… it’s totally okay if you have to look something up if you don’t know. The way I vew it; you’re not trying to not look ill-educated. You’re educated enough to know when you need to look something up.
*Besides, I trust your “Google-Fu” over some people’s working knowledge on the world.*
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