Title: Winter Wonderland
Author: MoonAssassin
Summary: Weir sends everyone on vacation to a winter wonderland. Rodney doesn’t want to play till Ronon gets involved.
Author's Note: I didn't send this to a beta so all mistakes are mine. Also, I've finally gotten out of research paper mode(Did way to many lately). Don't own them, can't afford them, and was caught when tried to steal them.
Pairing: Ronon/Rodney
Rating: PG-13
If he didn’t know better he would swear Teyla was laughing her ass off. The only thing that stopped him from believing so was the fact that she was standing very still. Too still, in fact that was never a good sign.
An instant coldness hit the back of his head before sliding down his shirt. Rodney whipped his head around quickly to see who had dared to throw something at him. Seeing Major...correction, Colonel now, Sheppard standing there smirking while holding a snowball made Rodney’s eyes narrow. Bending down to grab a pack of snow and fling it at the Major Colonel ‘Pain in the ass’ when he felt another snowball hit the back of his head. Rodney whipped around again trying to catch the culprit but no one was in sight.
A third snowball hit Rodney. He whipped around to see Colonel ‘Taking cold showers for the next month’ running off into the woods on this so called ‘vacation planet’ as Dr. Weir had put it (and he used the term vacation very lightly). Finally getting tired of being beamed in the head with snowballs he yelled for Teyla.
“Are you going to let them keep throwing FREEZING cold snow at me and risk me getting hypothermia or worse frostbite? Hmmm…What would you all do then when all my fingers fall off and no one is there to put in the security codes next time someone tries to take over Atlantis? Or worse! When I can’t eat? Well, who’s going to feed me? You all know if I don’t eat I will fall into…”
“…hypoglycemic shock.” Sheppard said as he stepped out of the woods. “Geez, Mckay settle down this is a vacation. Have some fun.”
“Fun…FUN?!?!” Rodney screeched “You think having below zero temperature water running down my back because some immature fly boy decides to actually act his age? Oh wait, how old were you again? FIVE?”
“*sigh* I was afraid I was going to have to do this.” John said as he started walking towards Rodney with a gleam in his eye.
“What are you planning to do?” Rodney twitched nervously before taking a step back.
“Oh just this…RONON GET HIM!” Sheppard hollered.
Out of what seemed no where Ronon pounced on Rodney and pinned him to the ground.
“Wha…” Rodney sputtered out.
“If you won’t behave by yourself, then I’ll just have to let your boyfriend make you behave” John stated before walking toward Teyla. “Come on Teyla, I’m sure we don’t want to stick around and see what going to happen next.”
“Very well” Teyla answered as she grabbed a hold of John’s arm and walked away with him, leaving Ronon and Rodney all alone.
Rodney turned to look up a Ronon who was shooting him the same feral grin that he had when they had first met. Rodney still would have preferred that he hadn’t been hanging upside down when he saw that smirk for the first time.
“What are planning to do?” Rodney questioned
Silence was Rodney’s only answer.
“You can talk anytime you know?” Rodney griped
Ronon’s grin just stretched even wider. If Rodney hadn’t been shaking in his boots (no literally it was freezing out here!), then he would have stopped to wonder how much wider Ronon’s smile could get before his face cracked. Well, Rodney thought, if he was wondering about thinking about it then technically he was thinking about it and oh god he was rambling in his own thoughts now. Rodney mentally told himself to shut up before looking back at Ronon. Who appeared to know exactly was Rodney was thinking.
‘Shit’ was Rodney’s only thought before lips descended on his.
Before Rodney could even respond to the kiss he was yanked upwards and thrown across Ronon’s shoulders in a fireman’s carry.
“What are you doing?” Rodney shrieked his pitch even higher than before
Ronon winced at the sound before grinning and replying “Well unless you expect to have sex out in the snow, which you have been complaining about so much, then we are going inside.”
“One I don’t complain, I enlighten. Two as much as I love sex with you, and trust me I do, we can’t go back to the cabin…Teyla and Sheppard are there. And three I CAN WALK YOU KNOW!” Rodney stated while still being carried.
“One: You do complain. Two: I know and Sheppard and Teyla are smart enough to realize where we are headed and will clear out. Three: I don’t see you trying to get down.” Ronon answered back calmly.
“One: Do Not. Two: How are you so sure? Three: Bad Back, I might hurt myself.” Rodney replied slightly snobbishly, the fact that his nose was upturned as he spoke gave it away.
“One: Yes…You…Do…. Two: Because we’re here. Three: Don’t worry I’ll take good care of you tonight.” Ronon claimed as he kicked the door to the cabin open.
And the last thing we see dear readers, is our precious scientist being man-hauled inside the cabin with a lusty look in his eye before the door shuts.