Found out that women with PCOS get regular cycles when in peri-menopause.
Mine are definitely getting more regular, but I thought that was because of the CBD oil. Time will tell.
Although I do seem to be a little more depressed as of late. Which also comes with PCOS and peri-menopause from what I read. But that could also be because I lost my dad two years ago on Dec 1 and my mom four years ago in Sept and think they are missing so much of my son’s life. And now that of my nephews life as well. I am glad that both children still have living grandparents. Even if one of them is getting slower and has his own health concerns (which is another worry I have). I believe I am climbing out of this cycle. Slowly.
This coming week is busy with dancing, haircuts, a show, chiropractor, more dancing and a movie on IMAX. Also work, that usually goes without saying. I also have a pre-conference goal setting workshop to attend. I hope I can focus enough for it all.
Goodnight for this week and soldiering on to the next.