Title: The Legacy Job: Chapter Seven
Author: Magpie
Rating: pg-13
Genre: Job!fic Eliot centric Eliot and OFC
Summary: When the team takes a job involving foster kids Eliot's week gets very long.
Notes: So back to the main action with this story, after a year+ hiatus. Sorry 'bout that. Other than my nano this story is what I'm working on
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Comments 3
I'm glad you're continuing this, I want them to get justice for Adrian, Selina and the other kids.
I can't wait to see more about the relationship between Eliot and Nate. There is definitely some chatting time in the future. I loved how the picture of a dog opened this whole box of memories.
Why do I get the feeling that Adrian already has a new home? ;)
Funny thing: I had this thought in the back of my head for a long time about this fic I'd read where Nate and Eliot where brothers and something about Nate's Mom and a picture, but I couldn't find it again...and then you post a new chapter - now I'm not forgetting that story again ;).
Lots of lovely things lie ahead and hopefully a few twists you havn't already figured out but, well, *spoilers*
Anyway, thanks for the comment.
oho, this should be fun! Glad you're continuing this;)
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