Title: Seeing Red
Rating: PG
Pairing: Nate, Eliot, mentions of team
Fandoms: Leverage
Summary: Nate sees red.
Notes: Drabble, spoilers for The Last Damn Job
Nate had been seeing red for days.
He moved all the pieces. He had his eyes on the goal.
But he kept seeing something out of the corner of his eye, something that didn’t register when he looked directly at it.
Something he wasn’t, wouldn’t, listen to.
Then it was that moment. Dubenich and Latimer there. The gun in his hand.
They looked at something behind him and Nate turned.
He saw it, the red of Eliot’s shirt as he stood with the others, blood red against the muted colors of the damn.
And Eliot’s ghosts stared back at him.