Title: Moving On
Rating: PG
Pairing: House/Wilson gen/friendship/implied (whatever floats your boat...)
Summary: House wants Wilson to come back to his place. Wilson goes back to the hotel room that reminds him of all he wants to forget, only to realize that House had a point.
Note: Originally written for
house_las, prompt was Forget.
Moving On
House and Wilson sat across from each other that afternoon, House trying to get Wilson’s potato chips, and Wilson defending them again and again. House finally went to his own goop that the hospital cafeteria called food, and Wilson ate without any distractions.
“You know,” House started, swallowing the food in his mouth before continuing, “you should really move back in with me. I mean, I’m being deprived of those heavenly pancakes, and all that other garbage you cook. How you resisted my charm for so long eludes me. How could you not want to go back to my couch?”
“Yeah, of course, the couch. That poor piece of furniture was the primary reason for my recent chiropractor visits. There are better things in life than you and the couch,” Wilson replied, eating a handful of potato chips.
“Of course there are better things than my couch. Like, say, those macadamia nut pancakes, for instance. And because you’re depriving me of them, I feel all depressed,” House quipped, reaching out for Wilson’s potato chips again. Wilson finally conceded and let House grab a handful.
Wilson had really thought of leaving that hotel room. As he unlocked the door and entered the room that evening, he looked around, wondering why exactly he was here to begin with. This place was full of memories that he just wanted to forget. Tritter had been here, and that thought brought to mind all the prying he had done within the month or so he was at the hospital. When Tritter brought in the slips that had proven House’s betrayal, he wasn’t sure what to do.
“I only have two things that work for me: this job and this stupid, screwed up friendship.”
When he had to make the choice between the two, he had taken the risk, and chose the friendship over the job. It paid off in the end, but the experience wasn’t something he’d gladly relive.
The fact that he was living in a near barren hotel room to begin with was attributed to another thought that he just wanted to forget: he was divorced. His wives had left him, and he hadn’t even bothered trying to jump in with anyone else yet. House’s incessant teasing after the Grace fiasco kept him from doing so.
This entire place was full of facts and inferences that he really didn’t want to bring up to the forefront of his mind. Thinking of them alone made him want to drive across town to House’s and watch a movie while laughing over House’s ever sarcastic commentary. As a matter of fact, I might as well go do that right now.
Pulling on his coat and grabbing his keys, he left, ready to forget the trivialities of his life in another night filled with beer, Chinese take-out, and crappy jokes with House. Simply because, he realized, his friendship with House was all he really needed.
ETA: I just realized that I put the unedited version on here instead of the final outcome. Sorry! All fixed now!
Hope you enjoyed!