I think I'll do this for Kara this time around...
1 - What would s/he consider the ultimate gift? I think the ultimate gift for her would be her brother's life. Considering she couldn't have that, she'd gladly take his murderer's head on a silver platter.
2 - If s/he could add a day to the week, what s/he name it and why? Kara doesn't need to add an extra day to the week. She's happy with they way things have turned out, though if she had to, she'd make a Memorial day once a week to honor her family.
3 - Does s/he lick the blood off of his/her wounds or find someone else to do it? She would much rather do it herself. However, for the ones she can't do herself, she relies solely on Keith to do it for her. She won't trust anyone else.
4 - The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over but it can't. Not without his/her help. What is his/her opinion of altruism? Kara has a duty to protect those who have earned her trust. A sort of twisted reward for actually being able to get through her walls. It's a loyalty thing. For strangers, she wouldn't give a damn.
5 - What would be his/her song if life had a soundtrack? That's a hard one. There are so many songs to choose from, and so many that represent Kara in some form. "Thoughtless" by Korn/Evanescence (depends on which version, I personally like the Evanescence cover better for Kara) is the first that comes to mind that represents her.