Wee! When I finished the first cycle and started the second, I wondered if I'd lose my streak, especially with all the insanity of school... but it kept going, finished that cycle 2, and now I've finished cycle 3! Starting cycle 4 today :D To think I'll be in cycle 9 when Glee returns from the hiatus in April... *thud*
But none of that for now, for now... the cycle 3 round up! :D
Tina and Artie go on their date with the borrowed wheelchair for Tina. [Artie and Tina]
The rest of the club unites to prepare a special number for Finn and Quinn [Glee Club]
Artie & Quinn work on their ballad, discovering they have something in common. [Artie & Quinn]
Quinn spends her first night living at Finn's house, takes comfort from him. [Finn/Quinn]
Santana and Brittany work on their ballad, or their version of it. [Santana & Brittany]
Sent on a mission to look in on Vocal Adrenaline, Kurt meets Victor Haskell. [Kurt/Victor]
Mike and Tina team up to work on their ballad, redirecting the focus to Glee. [Mike and Tina]
Many moons ago, young Rachel and Quinn team up for a sunny mission. [Young Rachel & Quinn]
After their falling out over the stutter, Tina pleads her case with Artie. [Artie/Tina]
Artie contemplates his being apart from the club in the ride to Sectionals. [Artie]
Kurt thinks about his lack of love and the greatest love story of all. [Kurt]
Santana is visited by her musical inspirations, her Paris-living aunts. [Santana]
On his birthday, Matt waits on a call from someone special, Sasha in England. [Matt]
Brittany recalls a special day with her grandfather, and her pal Blippo. [Brittany]
Puck is finding his priorities are shifting after the secret is out. [Puck]
Tina leads her cousin into an act of mischief, at her aunt's wedding. [Tina]
Now on her own, Quinn makes an ally in looking toward the arrival of her baby. [Quinn]
Rachel has a particular way of working out issues on her mind. [Rachel]
Mike has been working on a special project on his own... and with his brother. [Mike]
Mercedes faces one of her worst nightmares - she has lost her voice. [Mercedes]
Finn follows through on something he'd worked on, despite knowing the truth. [Finn]