Random Song Meme
1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question.
Snagged from
didit4love What does next year have in store for me? These dreams by Heart
What's my love life like? Me and the devil by cowboy junkies
What do I say when life gets hard? How soon is now? by tatu
What do I think when I get up in the morning? Dear Jessie by madonna
What song will I dance to at my wedding? Detachable penis by King missle (lol)
What do you want as a career? The Angels by Melissa Etheridge
Your favorite saying? Woman Am I, Blessed Am I by Circle of women
Favorite place? Desire by Caroline Lavelle
What do you think of your parents? Talkin Bout a revolution by Tracy Chapman
Where would you go on a first date? Principles of LUst: Sadeness by Enigma (heeee too funny)
Describe yourself? Only Me by Melissa Etheridge
What is the thing I like doing most? Early Morning Rain by Gorden Lightfoot
The song that best describes my school principal? #1 crush by Garbage
What is my state of mind like at the moment? Back to Life by Soul II Soul
How will I die? Sexplosion by My life with the thrill kill kult (the funniest YET)
The song you'll put as the subject? All that we let in by the indigo girls