1. When Liz calls Minerva "The Minnie-Taur."
2. Free lunch at work, including nummy veggie BBQ burger, salad, fruit, fizzy water and Skinny Cow.
3. Finding work arounds to accounting dilemmas that satisfy everyone.
4. A wonderful "date night" with my fiancee last night.
5. A free beach towel from work.
6. A writing assignment!
1. I'm encouraging a co-worker to go get some free food, mention the two meats on offer, and then confess that I've only *heard* that the meats are good, I ate the veggie burger. At which point this guy proceeds to stand at my desk and lecture me on how we should eat animals until they figure out how to tame us, breed and eat *us*. And then he says that cats are good eating too and you can make little rugs out of their fur. I'm just... wha? I mean, I'm being nice trying to encourage you to go take a break and enjoy some food "on the house" and you use that as an opportunity to say fuck you in as many ways as possible in what passes for polite conversation??? *grrrr* I hate vegetarian backlash. How would this conversation had gone if, say, I'd wished him Merry Christmas, confessed I was actually Jewish, and he was a devout Christian??? For gods sakes people, MY CHOICES ARE NOT ANY REFLECTION ON YOU AND YOUR CHOICES!!!!
Okay, sorry to go all CAPSLOCK!Harry on you.
ETA2: Wow. Another co-worker who overheard this conversation politely and quietly pointed out to this guy that he overstepped the line. He came back to me and very sincerely apologized, reassuring me that he loves animals.