that's a wonderful article. not only does it help me understand more what you go through, and my friend mr_dark goes through, it helps me know what to do a little bit with the odd pains i've been having. thank you so much for posting this, tamilani
i'm off of LJ now, so i can't access your other entries. i'm just commenting to let you know that i'm on Xanga under the same name. haven't been doing too well, but i'll send you another Woman Reading Postcard soon! :) If you don't know my e-mail, here it is for future reference and contact purposes: I shall still be online, but not as often. been thinking on having a journal here on which i don't write, just to friend those with whom i wish to keep in contact. will let you know.
hi again, tami. i added you, but i don't know if you're getting these comments in e-mail or what. just wanted to let you know that i'm up her on LJ again just to keep up with you, and with others.
Comments 4
You should check out my latest post- I re-posted an article on fibro in the LA Times.
i'm off of LJ now, so i can't access your other entries. i'm just commenting to let you know that i'm on Xanga under the same name. haven't been doing too well, but i'll send you another Woman Reading Postcard soon! :) If you don't know my e-mail, here it is for future reference and contact purposes: I shall still be online, but not as often. been thinking on having a journal here on which i don't write, just to friend those with whom i wish to keep in contact. will let you know.
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