Re: Please elaborateterraincognitaFebruary 26 2003, 10:55:42 UTC
Ahhhhh, I see MoonofMedea has intrigued the submiss ...
Did you see how long ago this was posted c? She has complained to me in the past that there is NEVER anything interesting to write about in her Journal, now we know this isn't true.
Please elaborate O voyeuristic MoonofMedea on your weekend experience with us at Tina's Place. That would be a spicy entry and I can think of many others!
Comments 4
Sir Avidd O'Ryter
NEVER about YOU Master!!!
Yes, please elaborate~~
Do we need to get rough with someone?????
Did you see how long ago this was posted c? She has complained to me in the past that there is NEVER anything interesting to write about in her Journal, now we know this isn't true.
Please elaborate O voyeuristic MoonofMedea on your weekend experience with us at Tina's Place. That would be a spicy entry and I can think of many others!
Sir Avidd O'Ryter
Are You there?
Its Christy!!
I have two journals, this one is my
spiritual one. There's witchy stuff in it if
You want to check it out??
I hope this finds You well~~
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