it's been a long time. again. i should just accept the fact that i'm only going to write in here when i feel like it. so here, a few things to chew on with your brainstuffs
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HOORAY I SUPPOSE! I am excused from jury duty. It sounded like an interesting experience, but I have neither the time nor money to go through with it
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sucks when you meet someone new, go to shake their hand, and realize they don't have one. so you have to quickly look for an alternate solution of what do to with your extended arm while simultaneously averting your gaze from the stump and wiping that stupid expression off of your face. then, you have to act like NOTHING happened.
my large vacations for the summer are through with, with the exception of the end-of-summer-bang known as bumbershoot. hopefully, it will be interspersed with smaller, enjoyable chunks of vacation, from 3 seconds to 3 days
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