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Mar 16, 2020 23:16

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Comments 103

whollydevoted March 18 2007, 16:29:56 UTC
I would like to be added...daladyaphodite told me I should read your journal because it is very inspiring. I am planning a UBAC in september with my second child.


moonshineray March 18 2007, 16:31:11 UTC
That was so sweet of her! Adding you and putting you on my birth filter as well. I am excited for you and your upcoming UBAC! It's been a great journey for me so far.


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moonshineray March 27 2007, 22:47:45 UTC


ladygaia87 March 29 2007, 23:13:55 UTC
We know each other from a number of places :). naturalbirth, unassistedbirth, april2007babies, as well as the BornFree forum. I would really enjoy having you as a friend, since I do intend on having a UP/UC with my next child..and you just seem to have an innate amount of wisdom to share. Not to mention: Your nice. So, may I be added?


moonshineray March 29 2007, 23:14:34 UTC
I'll be very happy to have you here!


ladygaia87 March 29 2007, 23:21:30 UTC
Thanks :)


jedimomma March 31 2007, 23:55:44 UTC
Hiya! Will you add me? I'm really interested in how your UBAC goes. I've seen you post in birth_is_normal, and I tend to agree with at least 90% of what you say. =)


moonshineray April 1 2007, 00:18:44 UTC
Sure no problem!


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moonshineray April 1 2007, 23:52:51 UTC
Funny enough I think I noticed you added me and went ahead and added you back :-) So you are already here and welcome!


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