Well, I have finished another weekend long run and another Wednesday morning speed session. Both were less than stellar.
The weekend long run was short (4 miles) because we had just completed the Half Marathon the week before. The speed run I cut short because I was absolutely freezing. The temp actually dropped just after dawn so it was 37 degrees when we got started. I do not currently own clothing that can keep me warm in that environment.
The running rule of thumb is to dress for 20 degrees warmer than the outside temperature. Your body will compensate for about 20 degrees of warmth when running. Wind can negate some of the 20 degree warm up depending on how strong it is and Wednesday morning was a bit windy.With this formula I should have been dressed for 57 degrees (not adjusting for windy conditions). My lower half was dressed for 65 degrees and my upper half was dressed for 75-80 degrees. You can just call me "Popsicle".
I stopped after the second mile because my knees were aching from the cold. It took hours to get warmed afterward. I went to the pottery studio and really wanted to crawl into one of the kilns. I didn't - but I really wanted to. I hope to get to the local running store on Friday and pick up something that can make the early sessions less unbearable.
In other news, my running partner is one long walk or one short jog away from a stress fracture so she will not be joining me for the duration of fall training. This kinda sucks for many reasons. Mostly, I don't know anyone in the group but her and I am not good with new people. I usually come off as an asshole or a nut job. Here's hoping that I don't have to talk to anyone in the group for the next month. My running partner is hoping to return to training after the new year for the Music City Marathon (or whatever it's called). I am hopeful that this will happen. We shall see.
I don't know if it's sympathy pains or what but my shins are really hurting. It's been worse since the WHM. I ordered some leg compression sleeves and I am wearing them as much as possible. I am hoping to stave off stress fractures of my own. I have had them before in my right leg so I know what I'll be in for if I don't take care of it now.
My next long run is Saturday. We are supposed to be doing 10 miles. I will be doing 8. Still recovering from the WHM so my mileage is slightly lower than the other people in the group and I want to preserve the leg as much as possible.
I had a dream last night that I took Bug (my big black cat) with me to the grocery store.