The last of the sunburn I acquired during the Country Music Half Marathon has almost peeled away. The memory of complete frustration with my finish time is not going to leave me as quickly. I knew going in that it would be bad but I can't help but wonder what happened along the way. It was a huge event and I knew that when I signed up. I wasn't surprised at the number of people in the race but it was very labor intensive to dodge them all. I'm pretty sure that if I was wearing a GPS it would have showed that I ran 14 miles as opposed to 13.1.
So what do I do? I went to the shoe store and picked up a new pair of running shoes. Not under some misguided notion that I'd run faster or longer with new shoes but because the ones I was wearing were due to be retired. I'll start training for something much smaller over the next few months but I have my eye on the Rock n Roll Half Marathon Savannah in November. I love the idea of cooler weather and a nice, flat run.
I did pottery in the park today at the TACA demonstration booth. I'm used to doing pottery demos for kids. They are easily amused and ask simple questions like 'what's texture' or 'is that a tornado'. The people at the park ask a whole array of questions that require thought and that's no fun. I saw Lon Chaney while I was there. He was in the next tent over doing a puppet show. It was strange to see him after so many years. He is back in Nashville for a while I guess and looks exactly the same and completely unchanged by time. I'll be back for another morning of pottery tomorrow. My shift ends at noon and I plan on heading out soon after for a quick shopping spree at a TACA booth or two then I hope to return to my excessively neglected home for some good old fashioned cleaning.