That's me, thats me, oh and thats me too ...

Aug 12, 2007 12:49

I thought I'd post some picks of the various faces of Oyd today LOL, well some of them anyway.
So I'll start with my hedgehogs, I have two for the moment. First off we have The Hedgehog Pirate "arrrgg" -

and then we have Little Miss Hedgehog (we will be having 2 different sizes of pictures in this entry - it adds to the excitement so stop complaining, hehe)

And I have more pictures of some of my hatchies, here we have a  golden sweetie munching on her cookie.  Hatchies are very fond of cookies, that's a bit of information you might want to remember in case you meet a hatchie inworld ;)

And here we have me dressed up for 2wins best in stripes competition, guess who won? ME! *takes her bows* .

And for added cuteness we have my little Astral all dressed up for the wildest hair contest *NB pulling hair is HATCHIE ABUSE and will result in the consuming of many flamingos -  *glares*.

I love this picture of Anje in her 'wildest hair',

Here is a group shot of some of my friends dancing together, don't they look wild?

and heres another one of Magical, you see the pole dancing hottie in the background? Well, trying to take take a close up of her crashed my computer!

Want to see what was too hot for my poor computer to handle? *giggles* Go Yem!

And of course while hanging out with my friends is my favorite thing to do in SL sometimes a hatchie needs to just hang out with other dragons,

And also sometimes you just get the need to be a little ... bigger ... and have more than one head ...

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