This is going to sound a bit whacky, but I just got this comment. For some reason, my comments weren't getting forwarded to my email and it didn't occur to me to check this particular post and I took a bit of a break from LJ. I'm back, though, and friending you right now :)
This is going to sound a bit whacky, but I just got this comment. For some reason, my comments weren't getting forwarded to my email and it didn't occur to me to check this particular post and I took a bit of a break from LJ.
Anyway, I'm so glad you enjoyed Plain Clothes. I must say, it was a total trip to write and one of the few things I've written that I can actually read and enjoy without getting super self-conscious. I'm intending to get back to my fanfics one of these days, but life gets crazy.
Thanks so very much for reading and for the comment. I must go and deflate my ego a bit now ;)
Heylo. I was searching for Remus/Hermione shippers to ask you to join a new community for Remus/Hermione shippers... and your name came up... So If you wanna check it out or something its Remus_Hermione or Click here
This is going to sound a bit whacky, but I just got this comment. For some reason, my comments weren't getting forwarded to my email and it didn't occur to me to check this particular post and I took a bit of a break from LJ.
Anyway, thanks so much for the heads up on the Hermione/Remus community. I just joined up recently. I can't get enough of those two and I always enjoy the opportunity to befriend more RL/Hr fanatics like myself.
Comments 17
Better late than never, right?
YOU wrote plain clothes? like the plain clothes? like one of my favorite remus/hermione smutlets EVER plain clothes...
Anyway, I'm so glad you enjoyed Plain Clothes. I must say, it was a total trip to write and one of the few things I've written that I can actually read and enjoy without getting super self-conscious. I'm intending to get back to my fanfics one of these days, but life gets crazy.
Thanks so very much for reading and for the comment. I must go and deflate my ego a bit now ;)
See ya 'round!
Anyway, thanks so much for the heads up on the Hermione/Remus community. I just joined up recently. I can't get enough of those two and I always enjoy the opportunity to befriend more RL/Hr fanatics like myself.
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