Every day I fall behind, not a lot, but a little.
So many things I plan to do or start - they pile up until they're mountain-sized and threaten to collapse on me and bury me in the rubble.
Life for me, is a struggle. And in a way, I am thankful for that struggle - I appreciate it even. But for all my wading through mud, my progress always seems to be one step forward, two steps back.
Being the moon, and constantly phasing - both in the short term and the long term, often finds me metaphorically standing in exactly the same place I stood, but a month, a year, 10 years, 20 years later, etc. I am and have always been a time traveler, though not in the fun sci-fi adventure sense. We could get into my theories on time and experience, but that digression is not for this post.
For the first time in a long time, I am excited for xmas.
It's easy to understand why kids get excited, and even parents because it is always fun to experience childlike wonder, even if by observation only. So when you become an adult, and if you haven't perpetuated the next generation of offspring - what do you have to get excited for?
Recently, I've decided to take steps back towards writing music again. That backstory is rather long, so I won't re-tread it here. If you are a masochist or obsessively curious, I'm sure there is some post about it buried back in the archives of my posts. Suffice to say that once, long ago, I made music - and over time - it made me crazy.
I've asked my parents to chip in on a keyboard that I can plug in to my laptop, and I've been researching DAW music creation software. It's a process that will take some time, but the keyboard will be in my possession in a couple of weeks.
(Yes, I know I write short paragraphs. It's how I organize my thoughts.)
Anyway, the original purpose of this post was to remind myself, that while ultimately I am falling, falling behind, I do occasionally make some small progress, albeit baby steps.
That's as positive as I can muster today folks!