Dec 09, 2014 16:37
01. You are allowed to leave as many prompts as you want.
02. You do not have to have a livejournal account to leave a prompt. Twitter or Facebook is perfectly okay.
03. Please make sure you fill out everything correctly when leaving a prompt.
04. You do not have to leave a prompt using your livejournal account, it can also be left using anonymous.
05. Please make sure to leave one prompt per comment
06. Prompts will be shared using a spreadsheet, but don't worry about that too much until the claiming process starts.
Please use the following example when leaving your prompt:
WANTS: Things you would like to see in the story. What would you like to happen? Please make sure to not have it too discriptive or too vague. Add any necessary warnings!
DO NOT WANT: Things you do not want to see in the story. What kind of kinks make you uncomfortable to read about.
RATING: G-NC17. Pick whatever you would like.
PAIRING: Keep in mind that the main pairing has to have Jongup in it!