Revenge of the Sith.
What kind of crack was A. O. Scott smoking when he claimed it was better than Return of the Jedi? It's not even any better than the other awful prequels. Despite its flaws, RotJ had been set up with effective storylines and tied them up in a fairly satisfying way. Every storyline in this movie made me laugh. Or want to go to sleep. Or both. The script and acting were beyond abysmal, the pacing was poor, and even the CGI looked patently fake.
T. and I saw it two afternoons ago and spent the rest of the day cracking each other up by quoting its dreadful, dreadful dialogue. Oh, Anakin, hold me like you did on Naboo, when there was nothing but our love! AHAHAHAHAHA.
Seriously, though, the prequels take the potentially resonant Campbellesque myth of the sequels and turn it into a giant joke. It's probably better for George Lucas as a person that he doesn't realize how horrible the prequels are, but -- his abuse of a rather good story is so egregious here that I wish he were self-aware enough to know how awfully he screwed up. Ugh.
Two good things:
--The scene in which Anakin whips out his lightsaber upon entering the room full of Jedi kids. Heh.
--The woman behind me who gasped when the medical droid said that Padmé was carrying twins. NO KIDDING! TWINS!
I am now going to forget, quite happily, that the prequels ever existed.