i am the worst resolution-maker EVER.

May 01, 2008 12:08

So, right now what I should be doing is working frantically on an assignment that was due far too many hours ago.

Instead, I'm (five months too late) posting the notes I made while watching Heroes S1. I have no idea why I'm doing this now, but uh. Cue Hiro-love!

::episode 1::

Liked it, but it didn't really leave me with the burning need for more, sadly. Cliffhanger aside, I would've been able to put it aside/not head to the next ep easy enough. The characters were okay. Hiro is adorable. The Japanese bits were fun, I got to remember my teeny pieces of anime Japanese, and I swear Hiro would make an awesome anime character. Dude! The Animated Heroes! In Japanese! How cool would that be?

Claire's complete indifference to her dislocated/bloody sticky-out-parts was pretty awesome, haha.

Peter and Nathan are sending out strange vibes at me. But maybe I've just been reading Supernatural fic for too long?

::episode 2::

Hiro is so fucking adorable.

I want to punch that blonde woman who arrested Telepathic Guy in the face. I realise she was doing her job, I realise it looked suspicious, I realise she had every right to treat someone she had reason to suspect was responsible for that murder (and the other Sylar ones, which I figure were equally gruesome) like scum. I still want to punch her in the face, dammit. Telepathic Guy was nice. And people that variety of supercilious apparently seriously irritate me.

(note from future: ahaha. it amuses me how hugely my views on matt have changed.)

Also, dude. Is Sylar eating those brains??

(i have concluded he isn't, though apparently it has become fanon? or was fanon for a while?)

The comic book cameos = ooh. Also Hiro needs to watch more cop shows of some kind along with Star Trek and his comic books. DO NOT PICK UP RANDOM GUNS THAT ARE LYING ON THE FLOOR, HIRO. especially if there's blood dripped on the floor near the guns.

The weeeird weird Peter/Nathan vibes are just getting stronger.

::episode 3::

I truly don't understand why Claire and Jackie are even friends. | Even Hot Quarterback Guy gets that you shouldn't tell Jackie anything you don't want the rest of the world to know. | Okay, Hot Quarterback Guy is being sorta awesome + sweet in addition to hot. I suppose this means he's gonna turn out to be a complete scumbucket? I'm not sure if I can see him fitting into the plot as a boyfriendish thing, unless they're doing some contrast thing with Camera Guy, normal vs freak, or something.

Okay. First thing I thought when I saw the girl staring after them was that she was a girlfriend or ex or jealous or something. Upon re-winding a few seconds and then re-watching, my head jumped to "Hot Quarterback Guy is a rapist, isn't he. a stalker rapist." Meep. I hope not. In addition to being sweet earlier, he put firecrackers in the effigy! Whee, firecrackers :D. Okay, he's so gonna end up being a creep.

Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck. Scenario is completely set for it, isn't it.

Supercilious FBI Woman just managed to completely redeem herself. Yay! I don't like hating people in my shows. Oh fuck is she about to die?? (*is watching her chase a possible Sylar, and as usual, being a chicken about suspense scenes, hence the compulsive note-scribbling.)

"You even mention tights and a cape, I'm going home." Hee! I have much affection for Ando when he's like that. The Japanese bits are the best part of Heroes, so far.

I keep forgetting to mention, but hey - Eden is smokin' hot.

NATHAN WHAT THE HELL. Oh man, should've seen that coming. | You go, Peter! Ooh, he punched him again! Man. Just earlier a friend and I were talking about Peter, and his potential for hotness. I think he has reached it.

::episode 4::

(my computer died halfway through this ep, along with the witty/sparkling/insightful/etc things i'd typed up. here is the zombie-like resurrected version that was left, cos i'm all proud that i figured out the niki thing:)

- first episode of Heroes where I really wanted to see what happened next, cliffhangers aside.
- Are Hiro and Ando breaking up? Noooo!
- Ando: I know people. You mean Niki??
- Ando is now more yay, cos the Niki thing was less creepy than expected.
- Peter and his hotness potential are now very close friends.
- are those really Claire's biological parents, or just something SuperSpy Dad cooked up?
- Hiro, can you ... drive? Oh fuck. Instruction manual??
- person was a woman: oh noes, suspicion! Niki left: oh hell, she killed them. maybe that spot in the desert is just ShadowNiki's favourite place for burying her skeletons.
- SuperSpy Dad and Eden know each other? Of course! It makes so much sense, ties together a whole bunch of flappy loose ends.
- Nathan escaping by bulleting away into the sky? So. Utterly. Brilliant. I want to say that it was a moment of unadulterated coolness, but that leads into Very Bad Puns territory, so: pure unsullied awesomeness.
- Jessica. Of course she's called Jessica. The evil twin is always called Jessica. (Sweet Valley taught me well.)

::(possibly from episode 5/6/7)::

Hmm. I just - Nathan has a point, you know? Especially about the flying. Flying is cool, but. Radar. Etc. Lack of mad martial arts skillz.

(^-- hindsight pov: heee. this show rocks.)

::episode 8::

(huh. skipped a few, there.)

Redhead Person's powers are yay! She's Shawn Spencer, omg! And I've had a soft spot for memory angst ever since Clark Kent. Ooh, this shall be fun.

*gasp* Dude, is that Sylar?

One thing about Matt's police unfriend? Wow. Now I keep wondering what, exactly, people who're nice to me are really thinking. I mean, I'm reasonably sure they're not sleeping with my wife, as I don't have one, but. That's somehow not very comforting.

Hiro. You are learning. You are adorable.

Hee! Look at Ando, watching Hiro hit it off with a girl.
Hiro: "I'm sweet!!" Ando: OK sign. THEY ARE AWESOME.

Tattoos = fascinating. Write stuff about why. (... heh. one day!)

Eee! Sri Lanka briefly starred in Heroes!

Wait. Is Sylar going to kill and eat Memory Girl? Oh no. I mean, he's sitting there lurkishly, or so I assume, and. Argh. | Is he going to kill her with the can opening thing?? | Nooo! I liked her!!

::episode 9::

Claire won! Aww, the populace loves her!

::episode 10::

Sylar - working hypothesis: he can see how things work ... if he takes them apart. whoa.

For a little tiny bit, I lost the Peter/Nathan vibes. There was still stuff there, but it wasn't blinkable at. Now, or should I say back then (six months ago)? It's there with a vengeance. *blinks* *a lot*

Probably I'll post the rest of my S1 + S2 reactions at some point, if only to complete the set. Yay babble? For now, though, my assignment looms darkly. :(.

In conclusion: Happy 2008, everyone!

ETA: before I forget! I've finally begun posting all those postcards that I promised people a few, oh, years ago. I know, I know - you'll believe it when you see it. :D

postcards, heroes

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