You know parading things like this about leave you horrifically open to flaming, right?
This is not bashing your promise or your relationship in any way--- but keep your private life private! It will save you a lot of trouble.
I mean, notice how I never talk about me and Roxie in my LJ --- hell, I don't talk about anything exceptionally personal. It saves you a whole lot of trouble, trust me.
However 1337 N473 may be, he has attracted my attention with the infinite wisdom contained in his post. I'm here to prove his point by commentating.
First off, I think we can all agree that it would have been quite helpful if we knew what promise Adam broke.
Although, just because we don't know what promise this refers to, in no way means the advice should be completely discarded.
Chelsea, you should understand by now that you need to be cautious. Take my advice or leave it... pretty soon you'll find out who is going to matter for the rest of your life, and who never did.
yeah, adam can't keep a promise. don't trust that boy. don't do it! i'm warning you! he's gonna break your heart and tear it into a million pieces!!!!! don't do it chelsea! don't do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *long dramatic yell to fade*
Comments 14
and wont you feel silly if it is kept?
I really think people need to have more faith. People make mistakes in their lives, and it is no excuse to condem them. A lot of you need to grow up.
This is not bashing your promise or your relationship in any way--- but keep your private life private! It will save you a lot of trouble.
I mean, notice how I never talk about me and Roxie in my LJ --- hell, I don't talk about anything exceptionally personal. It saves you a whole lot of trouble, trust me.
First off, I think we can all agree that it would have been quite helpful if we knew what promise Adam broke.
Although, just because we don't know what promise this refers to, in no way means the advice should be completely discarded.
Chelsea, you should understand by now that you need to be cautious. Take my advice or leave it... pretty soon you'll find out who is going to matter for the rest of your life, and who never did.
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