I had a plan. It was called: Get Up and Get Straight to the Gym. Slept horribly though, as I've clearly pulled a muscle in my thigh and every time I would turn over, my hip would start aching and I'd wake up. No idea what I did in my sleep to injure myself thus. Oh well.
The following is stolen from everyone. I've decided to finally fill one out as I could write a regular entry or something, but I just don't feel like it...
Pick your five favorite TV shows (in no particular order) and answer the following questions. Don't cheat!
1. Rome
2. Buffy the Vampire Slayer
3. Highlander
4. Doctor Who
5. Outnumbered
01. Who's your favourite character in 2?
Spike. In Seasons 1 and 2, it was Xander, but they just stopped developing his character, and Spike is made of win.
02. Who's your least favourite character in 1?
...do I need to say that bint's name? I can't even read about archeological finds in Egypt now because they always end up mentioning her...and she just makes me twitch, the slutty cow.
03. What's your favourite episode of 4?
I love, love, love the one with the statues...and now I can't remember the name of it. Oh, for shame! But it's that one and the Girl in the Fireplace.
04. What's your favourite season of 5?
Well, there's only been two so far, and it's a really tough call, because Karen is just so ickle and stealable in the first, but my favorite episodes are the Wedding and the Airport, so I guess I'll say 2 just for that.
05. Who is your favourite ship in 3?
Duncan and Methos. They are OTP whether the writers (or Methos...) admit it or not. (Because there is a 10th anniversary special where Methos is interviewed and claims Duncan isn't his type. Tch. Yeah, whatever.)
06. Who is your antiship in 2?
Hmmm...I'll say that I dislike all of Willow's girlfriends (because her conversion to being a lesbian made absolutely no sense to me), and I'll say that a ship I wanted but never happened was Willow and Xander *sniffles* It was almost...almost...and then stupid writers!
07. How long have you watched 1?
My brother let me borrow his Series 1 two years ago - so 2008 ish. It was after the show was over, of course. Rome aired while I was at SXU, and I never had time to dedicate myself to watching a TV show faithfully while I was in school. I was given the series with the express order that my parents were never to know - as, in John's words, "There's a lot of sex and it's violent, and I don't want mom and dad to think I'm corrupting you or something *eye roll*" Of course, I bought Series 1 and 2 for myself last year, and I watch episodes regularly because it's just such a brilliant show! The cast, the writing...except for the bint...it's utterly fantastic.
08. How did you become interested in 3?
Well! I started watching Highlander in grammar school, around 6th grade, but I didn't become a fan until the last series was airing on primetime and the reruns of the early series were already on Sci-Fi. I caught all the episodes the summer of my sophomore year of high school (when I was about 15); they were on every single morning - it was back to back Dark Shadows, Forever Knight and then Highlander. And after that, I was hooked on Methos.
09. Who's your favourite actor/actress in 4?
Ah, this is what makes it so devastating! The Tennant! Clearly. He just owned the Doctor, and I adored him.
10. Which do you prefer: Show 1, 2 or 5?
No idea. Honestly, that's such a tough choice. Buffy was my first fandom; Rome is one of the best put together shows I've ever seen, but Outnumbered makes me laugh out loud no matter how many times I watch it. It's really impossible to say! *flails*
11. Which show have you seen more episodes of, 1 or 3?
I'd say about the same. I've seen, at some point, every episode of Highlander - and there are 6 seasons of that. I've also seen every episode of Rome...several times. But again, I own series 3-5 of Highlander and have rewatched Methos' episodes a lot. So...aye, I'd say about the same.
12. If you could be anyone from 4, who would you be?
Wow...tough call. Would I want to be the Doctor and fly around space and time in my Tardis? Or would I want to be one of his companions? I suppose I'm not one for a certain immortality; I wouldn't want to live 900 years. So, I'll say Sarah Jane Smith. Because she didn't 1.) get stuck in another dimension/universe, 2.) wasn't a bit of a prig to begin with and 3.) didn't end up married to Mickey because Russell Davies SUCKS. *cough*
13. How would you kill off your favourite character in 1?
...they did.
But it's a toss up between Antony and Pullo anyway, and Pullo makes it through to the end, so I suppose I could think of a death for him. It would have to be truly epic, and he'd have to go down fighting though, because he's the ultimate soldier. In fact, the only way he could go would be fighting with the 13th. Thirteeeeeeeeeeeeeeen!
14. Give a random quote from 2?
"I may be love's bitch, but at least I'm man enough to admit it." - See? Spike = Made of Awesome.
16. Would a 3/4 crossover work?
...that would be made of win...I mean, I don't think it would work really. I just have this image of the Doctor getting sucked into the Game, and that probably wouldn't go over so well, but the Doctor meets Duncan MacLeod: priceless. I should write that just for fun. And then Methos can go, "Oh, you're the Doctor? Yeah me, too. I've been Death, a doctor, you know...typical stuff." "...Death?" "Yeah, I'm one of the Four Horseman of the Apocalypse." "...OH! That was YOU in the cheap mask and wig?" "...yes, well...it was the Bronze Age. Craftsmenship wasn't at its peak."
17. Pair 2 characters in 1 that would make an unlikely but strangely okay couple?
Well, that's tricky. The idea of Pullo and Atia does hold a certain amusement...and I think they could make it work.
18. Has 5 inspired you in any way?
Yes! Second gen...
19. Overall, which show has a better cast, 2 or 4?
Buffy or Doctor Who...Buffy or Doctor Who. You know, I might have to go with the overall consistency of Buffy. The fact that it's the same cast for seven series, pulling it together every show; I mean, the writing went down the toilet from seasons 4 - 6, but the cast always kept it together. Doctor Who changes every other season or so, so I have to give credit to a cast that works together for as long as they did on Buffy and still kept their characters interesting!
20. Which has better theme music, 3 or 5?
Highlander. Even if Outnumbered had proper theme music...nothing beats Queen. Nothing!