It's you who brings the morning and you who takes the sun when I sleep

Jul 18, 2011 00:36

Moookie here, I realize it has been forever but the longer I waited the more difficult it seemed to post. I decided a week or two ago that I would start writing about my dreams, but I feel like I haven't had many to write about... I have had a few long ones lately though, so I think I will write about the two of them.


Standing in my parents drive-way, Frodo and his parents pull in and parked their van. I was vaguely aware that my boyfriend doesn't have a relationship with his parents, so he wouldn't actually be in a vehicle with them nor coming to my parents house with them, but since I was dreaming, I figured that maybe I was somehow mistaken.

He said to me, "We're leaving, moving away, I'm sorry." It was so abrupt! So unexpected! I stood there in shock and silence looking around for some indication that he was lying or that his parents would change there mind and let him stay. I didn't understand why a twenty-year-old man could not live on his own, live in an apartment without his parents, and get a job to make a living. Hadn't he already done all of these things anyway? Why is he living and dependent upon his parents all of a sudden? Or am I mistaken? Perhaps he has lived with them this entire time?

Minutes later they decided it was time to hit the road and approached the van to leave. "You're not even going to say goodbye to me?" I said in tears. "What's going to happen to us, will you visit?"

"No, this is the end. If I'm moving so far, obviously we can't continue dating. I'm over it, as soon as the van passes the end of the fence in your driveway, I will have no feelings left about this or about you."

And with that, he got into the van and I woke up before they could drive away. I turned to Frodo in bed and he was still sleeping so I didn't wake him to tell him what had just happened in my dream.

Text message from Frodo: How can we make this work?

Me: You mean you don't want to be apart?

Frodo: No, I thought it would be easier that way. I have to come visit you, or move back, something. [Mushy things that are too difficult to remember.]

Me: Well, conveniently, I couldn't stand to be away from you. So I'm here in Alberta :) Look up.

Frodo looked up to see me and walked over ecstatically! We talked for a few minutes, happy to be in each others arms again, and then I woke up once more.

This time Frodo was awake so I could tell him what happened. "It must mean you're afraid I'll leave you or break up with you."

"Of course I would be afraid of that, I love you and don't that to happen."

Obviously on the surface, I assumed the same meaning behind the dream. However I looked up on a dream dictionary website what it means, and it turns out, it is actually much more positive. :)

Leaving - To dream that someone is leaving you, refers to feelings of rejection or of not being able to keep up. You are questioning your abilities. Perhaps you are not utilizing your full potential. Alternatively, the dream indicates an end to something; you are ready to let go of the past and move forward.

Break-up - To dream that your boyfriend or girlfriend is breaking up with you, indicates that your relationship is moving to the next level. In a way, it is an end to something; you are leaving some past behind. At the same time, it is the start of something new or better. It is important to remember that such a dream in not an omen that the relationship is not working out. As a relationship evolves and grows, it also changes.

The second part of "leaving" has the same meaning behind "break-up", so good news for us!


After a wedding, or show of some-sort, the seventeen members of my family that had recently been in Vancouver with me, plus a few others, all piled out of the auditorium, each carrying a few items down the stairs and to the parked cars. I stood at the top of the stairs by the open door until everyone had left so that I could return to see what people had forgot.

I specifically remember a red backpack that belongs to my cousin Bee, one that had been carried out by my sister, and one that had been left in the auditorium. That sister then left because she said she had an appointment in twenty minutes that she had forgotten about. There were a few Styrofoam cups on the table and a Gatorade bottle that I suspected could belong to me. Lastly, there were two cell phones that I recognized belonging to my family, so I took each of those, and then a third sat alone on a chair. I went through it to see if I knew any of the contacts and when I discovered that I didn't, I returned it to the seat. Then I left, and the dream ended.

Now for the interpretations:

Forgetting - To dream that you are forgetting things, signify life's anxieties. You are expressing an overwhelming amount of stress in your life. You feel the need to tend to everything and everyone's needs. Alternatively, forgetting something may represent your unconscious desire to leave that something behind.  On a more direct level, the dream could just be your subconscious telling you or reminding you of a forgotten appointment or date. Stairs - To dream that you are walking down a flight of stairs, represents your repressed thoughts. You are regressing back into your unconscious. It also refers to the setbacks that you are experiencing in your life. If you are afraid of going down the stairs, then it means that you are afraid to confront your repressed emotions and thoughts. Is there something from your past that you are not acknowledging

Backpack -To see or carry a backpack in your dream, represents the decisions and responsibilities  that are weighing your down.

Red - Red is an indication of raw energy, force, vigor, intense passion, aggression, power, courage, impulsiveness and passion. The color red has deep emotional and spiritual connotations. Consider the phrase "seeing red" to denote anger. Alternatively, the color red in your dream indicates a lack of energy. You are feeling tired or lethargic. Red is also the color of danger, violence, blood, shame, rejection, sexual impulses and urges. Perhaps you need to stop and think about your actions.

Twenty - The number twenty indicates that you are in need of support. Perhaps you are feeling withdrawn and isolated. The dream may signify having 20:20 vision. You are seeing something more clearly now.

Styrofoam cups- To see Styrofoam in your dream, indicates that you are undergoing some form of transition in your life.  In particular, to see a Styrofoam cup in your dream, suggests that you are feeling somewhat insecure or instable in a relationship.

Bottle - To see a bottle in your dream, indicates that you are pushing your feelings back inside, rather than expressing them. The contents of the bottle represent the nature of the emotions. A bottle of champagne shows your need to socialize, while a bottle of poison signifies evil thoughts and a wine bottle symbolize sexuality. To see an empty bottle, denotes that you have exhausted your inner resources. You may be feeling drained and empty inside.

To see or use a cell phone in your dream, indicates that you are being receptive to new information. It also represents your mobility. Alternatively, the dream signifies lack of understanding. Perhaps you are having difficulties getting through to someone. To dream that you lost your cell phone, represents a lack of communication. You have lost touch with some aspect of your feelings or your Self. If you find a cell phone, then it symbolizes reconnection and reopened communication.

Recently, I have been kind of unhappy, I feel like there is no explainable reason, simply little things that seem to get to me and then I often stay unhappy for the remainder of the day. I spoke with Coookie about this today, but basically to sum it up in regards to the dream interpretations: I'm stressed about school because the Faculty members have continued to mess up my placement in my program for the past year and a half, since I'm paying for this education, you would think they would be a little more helpful and would get me on the right path by now. I have been taking out any frustrations I have on Frodo and then because I feel bad for doing this, I attempt to "repress my emotions", in the words of the dream dictionary, so that I don't freak out on him all. While I was in Vancouver, I also had days where I was unhappy. One of the similarities I have noticed about my vacation in Vancouver and being at home with Frodo is that whenever I do or say something stupid, it is always pointed out and laughed at. Now usually, I laugh along with my family and friends, but I guess having seventeen people pointing out my stupidity for a week and a half made it less humorous. That would probably be one of the biggest insecurities I have at the moment; obviously since I'm in university, I'm really not that unintelligent, but I'm so blond all the time, and it has really started to bother me. However, it is out of my control which makes it more frustrating. Today Frodo was at work all day so I had time to myself to reflect and try to view things differently. I came to the conclusion that I always would laugh at my stupidity because usually it is kind of funny, and instead of taking people seriously when they call me dumb, I should remind myself that I wouldn't be in university if I were really that dumb. This has made me feel a bit better, I tried to think of my positive qualities in attempt to boost my self-esteem, so hopefully this will brighten my mood, if not for good, maybe for a little while. In regards to the "withdrawn and isolated" interpretations, that is perhaps also true, or simply a result of a conversation Frodo told me he had with C-Goat yesterday. C-Goat suggested that the reason I've been so upset is maybe because I haven't had much social interaction. I'm usually at home and only see T-Goat once a week, I have school twice a week but with no close friends there, I talk to at least one member of my family every day and a few friends sometimes too. But I don't see anyone hardly ever. This is a good point, and could be true, however last week in Vancouver, as I've already mentioned, I shared a house with seventeen people and I still found time to be upset some days. Therefore as accurate as that theory could be, it is inconsistent with that week I was away.

I don't know what to do to further change my mood, if you have any suggestions, I would be happy to hear them.

"It's you who brings the morning and you who takes the sun when I sleep." - LIGHTS

forgetting, mood, leaving, dream

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