
Dec 07, 2004 12:59

I try because I should, not because I have to and not because I think it will work ( Read more... )

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Comments 5

angels_tears444 December 7 2004, 19:19:53 UTC
You know that I meant that you were out of my league! Don't make me look like a bad person here moosa. It'll be alright..everything happens for a reason...right? :-/


bachelor1 December 7 2004, 22:17:19 UTC
over time i have learned no one is out of anyones leauge, trust me, i kno


haha moosamoosa December 8 2004, 18:27:49 UTC
Yeah, but it was just sooo funny. I was like, is she really saying this?!? and sure, everything happens for a reason. The reason is people have choice. I mean, 9/11. I don't believe that there was any other reason for that than for the reason that some crazy people wanted to break down two buildings. So, while I believe that everything happens for a reason, I don't think it's the same belief that you're stating here. It's ok though, because I'm still laughing about the league comment.


bachelor1 December 7 2004, 22:14:22 UTC
It was just like old times. I miss those times.
thats because all you can remember was the good stuff. you probably had problems then to, think about it. now is the same, you may have come across more problems, but you have also gotten good things you did not have then. its all for the better. its called moving on, coming of age.


Deep... moosamoosa December 8 2004, 16:52:08 UTC
Since when did you get so deep??


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