Title: walk to home: sam and dean in 27 haiku
Author: Moosesal
Fandom: Supernatural
Pairing: Sam/Dean (wincest warning)
Rating: PG-13 (only because of the wincest)
Happy birthday, Nan! May it be spectacular.
hey sammy, come here.
come on, sammy. he wobbled
over and giggled. dee.
dean looked at his dad
and smiled; sammy was walking
and starting to talk.
catch the ball, sammy.
it rolled across the floor to
rest against the wall.
mine! sammy held tight.
roll it back to me. nothing.
roll it back, sammy.
twenty years later
sam still held the ball--smiling,
teasing his brother.
give 'em up little
brother. dean reached for his keys
held above Sam's head.
a soft punch to the
stomach. a laugh. and sam jerked
away and dropped them.
so while you were in
school getting smart and banging
coeds, I did this.
snort. you did this when
I was around, too, dickhead.
it wasn't the same.
when the job is done...
but somehow he stayed. they stayed.
together. brothers.
another pitcher, please.
dean flashed his smile and headed
back to their table.
there was an ass bent
over a pool table. tight.
perfect. just dean's type.
but sam got there first.
the player turned and sam paled.
dean smiled. not sam's type.
they crashed through the door
and sam spun around. dude. that
guy was a ... a guy.
dean quirked an eyebrow.
don't tell me you didn't try
that at school. sam flinched.
So start at the ... well
the start. The beginning. Tell
me how it happened.
It was the second
time in ten minutes that dean
had pushed for info.
sam's blush surpassed
pink--face and neck violet.
not talking to you.
Snickers? dean unwrapped
the bar and slid it into his mouth--
borderline obscene.
still not talking. I've
got nothing to tell you. sam
stared out the window.
to dean the silence
was familiar. sam's first kiss,
first love, first heartache.
he'd never said, but dean
could always see. could see it
when sam looked at him.
when sam'd rolled over
all those mornings and pressed close
thinking dean still slept.
dean wanted what sam
couldn't ask for. wanted to
touch him and taste him.
he'd had too many
years to think about it. all
by himself, yet not.
he woke up with sam's
hair in his face, neck at his
lips, back to his chest.
they say home is where
the heart is. on the road, with
sam, dean was at home.
Author's note: For those who might be curious, each haiku was inspired by a prompt from a list (of 50) that I'm using for an entirely different project in a very different fandom. I started with the first prompt and worked the story based on them (keeping them in order) until I felt I'd reached a conclusion. The first prompt was "walk" and the last was "home", hence the title. Many of these have the prompt word (or a form of the word) in them, although for a couple the prompt was used as a theme instead.